Now THAT'S a Damn(ed) Reunion

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    Author's note- genuinely don't know how right I got these details, but I'm guessing pretty bad sksks

---Some time later---

    Ruby yanked the brush through his hair, trying to untangle some impossible knots. His jaw would clench and he would yank the stiff brush from root to tip.
    "Yeah no- this is not what we are gonna do.", you snatched the brush from his hair and brushed out the tips first instead.
    He huffed and wiped imaginary dust off of his hoodie. Scrim pony-tailed his dreads and threw on a t-shirt that miraculously didn't reach for his ankles for once. (I'm screaming, I'm so sorry.) They both were definitely nervous on some level. You didn't know how long it had been since everyone last saw each other, but there was at the very least, one huge world tour that occurred between. Now they had made a successful name for themselves and reached other continents. There was admittedly a hair of pressure to prove how big the success was to numerous scrutinizing relatives.
    You drew the brush up inch by inch, slowly working out the minor tangles at the ends, "You look good hon."
    Ruby rubbed his face, "Thanks... you aren't so bad yourself."
    It'd been a few days since your conversation with Scrim in the backyard, and ultimately you had asked to go because Ruby proclaimed atop the creaking coffee table that it would be a great idea.

    (You're sure he had been high on something.)

    You finished getting through the nests of tangles in the center of his head underneath the top layer of hair and finished at the top.
    "Now you won't break your damn hair."
    He shrugged you off, but he had a soft grin, "Thanks..."
    Scrim started the car and did a last minute check in the bathroom mirror, "Alright, let's hope this goes okay."
    Ruby snorted, "Calm down drama q u e e n."
    "The fuck didja say?", Scrim's head popped out of the bathroom and glared at Ruby.
    Ruby chuckled and left to go to the car. You checked your hair one last time and followed suite. Ruby opened the back door of the car and let you hop in. He sat in the passanger's seat and looked back at you.
    "The truck is gonna be fixed soon finally, cause Scrim got the insurance worked out."
    "That's good!", you strapped the seatbelt on and laid your head onto the rest. Scrim locked the front door and jogged around the car to the driver's seat.
    He took a deep breath and adjusted the rear-view mirror. You knew he had anxiety issues, but you didn't know if this event was really tripping him out. His face was motionless then, and he drove silently. Some miles in, his fingers shook on the steering wheel. That's when Ruby suddenly started talking to him, and the shaking went away.
    "Remember hanging out when we were little?"
    Scrim smiled and looked ahead stiffly, "We tore shit up."

    They chatted quietly about the past while your eyes drifted through the window and stared out. The streets fluctuated between broken down and pristine. Happy aesthetics mingled with depression. People both laughed and slumped over. The final place you pulled up to was in a well-off neighborhood compared to much of the other places that were driven through.
    The house was low to the ground and soft-colored. The bricks were almost a gentle pink, but they had beige overtones. It looked like rustic and modern designs had clashed into a single home. You looked like some of the first ones to arrive.
    Ruby hurriedly exited and rushed to open your door.
    "Calm down. I'm not gonna die if I lift an arm.", you scoffed.
    He shrugged, "Jeez woman- lemme be nice."
    His eyes glittered.
    Scrim smoothed his shirt rapidly and slammed the car door shut. He looked much paler and less enthusiastic than Ruby.
    You all headed to the door in order with Ruby in front and you in back. Ruby hit the doorbell and took a loud deep breath. You three stood motionless, and then the door opened.

    The creak of the door was so nostalgic that your mind swept through childhood briefly. It cooed softly as countless doors do in the background of life. The colors of bright green grass and pinkish bricks somehow amplified the timeless sound. You sensed countless memories here, unknown to you still.

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