Grabbing Loose Ends

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    The backseat was freezing cold, and it was late enough to make your surroundings pitch black. You couldn't see your hands, but you didn't want to look up. Scrim started the car and sat in silence for a time.
    "Ya okay?"
    You leaned your head on the window, "I'm not exactly worrying about myself."
    He sighed, "Ruby's gonna be aight. He shoulda seen it coming..."
    You rubbed the moisture from your eyelashes, "What did she mean about- since Crystal broke up with him?"
    Scrim flinched, "Aye, not my story to tell. Let's change the subject, aight?"
    You huffed and crossed your arms, trying to settle your mind, "Whatever."

    He was silent again for a time until the passenger door opened suddenly and slammed hard enough to make the car wobble. The air lit up with waves of electric anger. You were paralyzed from the spike in adrenaline and continued to stare down into your lap. Scrim whispered something inaudible while pulling the car out.
    Ruby exhaled roughly, "I jus' wanna be happy man..."
    Scrim turned a corner, "I know..."

    Sure enough, Scrim's dad followed you all home with Gage. He too was apparently upset with whatever went down after you had walked out. The strain on his face when he saw you again revealed that truth to be evident. You kicked your shoes off and plopped onto the couch without a word, still in mild shock. Ruby paused in the living room and watched you silently for a moment. His gaze burned, but he left without a word and slammed the door to his room.
    Scrim went to the kitchen, and you were stuck in the living room with the other family. The dad sat down next to you and Gage ran off after his older brother. You refused to look at him.
    "No matter what's going on, I think you're making Scott happier."
    You blinked and fidgeted your thumbs, "Oh..."
    He leaned back casually, "He gets a lil' excited when his eyes cross you- I see it. And Ari is definitely happier to have you around. I bet he's all over you, eh? Pardon how frank that sounds."
    You shrugged, "Yeah..."
    "The other day..", he lowered his voice, "Scott texted me about you cause he said you might tag along. I ain't seen someone describe another person with as much excitement in awhile. He was a lil' worried, but like, he really digs ya."
    You finally lifted your head, "He doesn't really talk a lot to me lately."
    He scoffed and rubbed his eyes, "He probably doesn't know what to do. If what I think is going on in here, is actually going on, then that makes sense."
    You chewed your lip, "Is it wrong?"
    He shrugged, "Does anything feel wrong?"
    "I... Don't know."
    He stood up, "Well, you'll figure it out. Go give some love. I better take Gage home and get some damn sleep."
    "Well, it was nice to meet you-... uh."
    "Also Scott."
    "Yeah, nice meeting you, Also Scott."

    He called for Gage and guided him outside where they then drove off. The walls of the living room dimmed, and you wondered what Scrim was even up to. Turns out, he was sitting at the kitchen table slumped over (me af). His head bolted in your direction when you walked in, and he nearly smiled. You sat down opposite to him and laid your cheek on your fist.
    "It didn't go so hot but, thank you for inviting me. I still enjoyed meeting some of the family."
    Scrim looked at his hands on the table, "Aye that's good. I wish that things wouldn't fuck up when I do things for ya..."
    You tilted your head and waited for an explanation.
    "Every time I do shit, I feel like it goes wrong. I ain't easy to live around, I get that. But like, damn man... It got out to Ruby when we fucked before anyone knew what to do about you, and I let us get into a car crash, and now I invited you to this fucking disaster an-"
    "Stop that.", you reached out and grabbed his hand, "You try, and it means so much to me... You don't have to walk on eggshells around me; you dont have to force yourself to fade away from me."
    He tensed up and clutched your hand so that his fingers dominated yours, "I just wish it was easier for once..."
    You sighed and Scrim let go of your hand. His face, solid as stone, turned to look out of the kitchen window. His lower lip tensed up and pursed softly. You could sense the swirl of thoughts in his head, and watched as his forehead slowly creased and uncreased.
    "Ruby is gonna probably wanna be alone for awhile. I know him... he sorta tends to take care of himself when things go south."
    You lowered your head, "Oh..."
    Scrim tapped the table nervously, "Could we try again sometime? Like... Could we do something and have it maybe not go to shit?"
    You chuckled quietly, "We could totally try. Is there anything in mind?"
    Scrim tugged at his ponytail until it came loose and his dreads spilled out freely, "Nothing crazy, cause, I am not tryna have another issue-", he smirked, "Maybe just stay in, hang out, get to know each other..."
    "That-", you inspected the curve of his cheekbone, "sounds actually nice."

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