A Dance On The Causeway Bridge

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The back two rows of seats were pushed down in a minute flat. Ruby was absolutely right; the back of the car looked like a wide bed. In another flourish of movement, a blanket from the trunk settled over the improvised floor to fill any last crevices and dips. The side of the blanket which was laid face down had read "Foulplay" in broad words from end to end. Taking one last look over the settled lake, you slammed the back door shut and turned towards Ruby.
With a firm grasp at your waist, he pulled you in against his body and continued to kiss you. Your bodies teetered back and forth under the moonlight- no sound, not even the chuffing of wind- until you fell onto your back with him following. His face pulled away, and you saw his silhouette laced with silver. The first time you ever saw Ruby in person, he was another moonlit silhouette; memories flooded you. His eyelashes curled out and framed his eyes which had become intense to the point of lethality. An unprepared glance would have turned you toxic. Instead, your throat clenched and your cheeks went numb. You weren't freed from his dangerous glare until he blinked, which was replaced with his mouth on your neck.
The phantom of $crim's lips erupted on your neck briefly and then dissolved out of existence as most surreal memories do. Ruby's hands rushed under your shirt and tugged at your bra while he bit down on your collarbone. The aggressiveness of his ensemble was still draped with sensuality somehow; the pain began to mix with pleasure.
You aided in removing the bra with shaking fingers. He kissed the backs of your hands and placed them on the floor at your sides. Your full body trembled when the bra was silently flicked off and casted into the shadows of the car. He stared down at your body and brushed his fingers on your abdomen. "Electric" barely described how your muscles felt.
Ruby bent over and kissed your abdomen delicately at first. His tongue rose higher and higher on your body, and simultaneously increased in urgency. His tongue began to push into your flesh, then his teeth gazed your skin, and finally by the time he got to your breasts, sweeps of the tongue were mingled with bites. With a sudden lack of control, you began to moan and squirm. You were compelled to get closer to Ruby, physically, and reached down to tug at the base of his shirt.
His body froze and the action ceased. Ruby glanced up from the center of your chest and furrowed his brow. You grinned deliriously.

"Take it off. I want your skin on mine."

The darkening of his moonlit complexion indicated a broad expanse of blushing. Your hands persisted anyways, to the point that you began to sit up underneath him. He rose to make room and let you pull his shirt off. You tossed it away to where the bra lay forgotten. Ruby cringed backwards, his upper arms closing in over his sides. Your heart twinged.

"Why are you hiding? You're stunning."

When Ruby's arms relaxed, they slid back and revealed a tattoo over the left side of his ribcage. Immediately you recognized it as the tattoo from Clouds As Witnesses. Your hand instinctively reached out and touched the color. You asked what it was for.

"Just a Greek heritage thing. Fuck Turkey, ya dig?"
You pulled your hand away and brought it to his chest, "That's cool man- I dig that obscure shit."

Your hands crept around his sides and pulled him towards you until, without another word, he sank back onto you lower than before and kissed your hips. You pushed his hair up into your hands and kept it maintained. He teased the edges of your leggings again and again in agonizing patterns. Only when you had begun to moan like soft cries did he pull away the leggings and discard them. In the night, the air had become colder and formed rolls of chills on your legs.
Ruby gripped your thighs and propped them up, and he then kissed each inner thigh. Your legs tensed up and instantly seized when his tongue started at your knee and slid all the way to the center in one movement. Your jaw locked, frozen by bliss, when his tongue passed over your clit and swirled. He didn't hold back from you; he wanted to give you everything. Your body was raked with euphoria for minutes in which your eyes drifted around the car windows and your hands tugged at bushels of hair. Again and again your nails reached out to his shoulders and clawed. At first, the scratches were soft, but eventually his flesh felt hot and irritated.

An unzipping noise raised the hairs on your neck.

Ruby looked up from between your legs and used one arm to push away his shorts. Your blood heated up and churned within your fluttering heart. He kicked the shorts away and raised his mouth to your belly again. Your fingers unlatched from his hair and moved down to his back. The gnashes of your nail marks had left raised welts under your fingertips; Ruby seemed unbothered by them.
Back at your neck, he spoke, "I can't believe... Anythin' involving you Y/N. I just start wondering how the hell do you exist and how the hell did I find you?"
You let Ruby bring himself up to your face, "You put me in delirium Ruby... Don't stop now- I'm here for the full ride- whatever that is."
His teeth grazed your ear, "Let's find out."

Around you both, the ghosts of Lake Pontchatrain danced in their watery graves. They longed for your lives on the bridge where people still created love. The waters reached higher onto the pillars of the bridge, envious on the bond above. Ruby and you were lost to the world of the living as well as the dead. Out on the Causeway Bridge, you two entered twilight.

Ruby pushed into you, warmth flooding the air. You bit down on your lower lip and hugged his back. Your feet pushed into the floor of the car until he held still and lightly kissed your lips. Your cheeks and noses brushed as he began a steady rhythm, filling you up. Your breathing had become so distorted that your chest shook underneath Ruby's. He pet your face and sped up. Bit by bit, his face began to hone in. The spacey enjoyment of your body became deep lust. His eyes were solid again, and his soft pets became a firm grip on your body. Heat built up between your legs, and tension rose.
Your moans grew louder all once. Satisfied with the building pleasure in you, he smiled briefly and then tucked his face around your neck, and into your shoulder. His arms held your hips and pushed you into him as he thrusted. The blanket below you entangled your limbs and piled.

Euphoria struck you, and your nails once again sank into Ruby's skin. His body heaved and a sputtering gasp cooed by your ear. The delirium enraptured you, and your head rolled backwards. Ruby kissed your neck again and again while waiting for you to calm down. Not until your breathing settled to normal did he pull out and kneel in front of you. You felt his cum rush down your thighs and onto the blanket. He stared downwards at your entire body, face like stone again. His eyes flicked up to your face, and finally he grinned widely and wiped his eyes. You laughed softly, and he chuckled.

Never would you forget the vision of Ruby's silhouette placed into the moonlight of the car window.

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