We. All. Bleed.

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     Your feet skidded at the end of the hallway and you whipped around the corner. The bloody specks on the walls were your guide. Your heart had seemingly ceased to function with each leap you forced through your legs. They were already weak in fear, but you let your adrenaline do its job. A crimson smear on the floor helped you to turn and stumble towards Scott's room. Your throat was now as dysfunctional as your heart, and you feared that you would choke at any minute.
Scott's door was open ajar with a horribly red set of fingerprints on it. You jammed your heels into the wooden floor and listened to the panels shriek as you came to a jarring halt. Then, with uncoordinated steps, you approached the door and pressed your hand over the bloody prints. With that, you shoved the door open promptly like ripping a bandaid clean off.
Your hands cupped your face, and tears broke through. Ruby sat with his knees to his chest in front of Scott's bed with his head rolled back onto the front of the mattress. Crusted-over blood laid frozen mid-pour from his mouth. He breathed peacefully nonetheless. Relief, perhaps? His knuckles were marked up with a fatal array of bruising. Some were sure to turn to an angry purple, while other would never be more than a sickening yellow. He did not care to even flinch at your arrival. One eye opened up midway and focused on you half-heartedly.
Ruby's voice painfully leaked out, "Ya should just stay back 'till he sobers up. He's down but I dunno for how long...."
"But... where is...-", you spotted a foot.
Your gut sank, and you took a step towards Scott without any hesitation. Ruby didn't budge. He rolled his head back and shut his eyes again. Next to the bed was the crumpled form of someone you had known. He was in a loose fetal position, arms reaching for nothing. His eyes were shut, and his mouth was just slightly open. But, his jaw laid askew to his face. The edge of his lip was split clean and caked in blood. One of his eyelids was bright pink and swelling by the minute. You knew the minuet imprints on his jaw and cheekbones would deepen into harsh bruises.

You were all bruised.

His arms were scratched; some marks were framed by wells of blood as fine as needle points. His loose figure as a whole conveyed he had fallen limply into that position. But, he was passed out and mentally somewhere else. At least he wasn't aware of things anymore. You leaned over him, and kissed the the last unscathed spot on his cheek. Then, you pulled away quickly, as though he would lash out any second, and headed out of the room. Your head swung back and stared at Ruby. An aged strength resided under his skin. It reminded you of his parents; they all looked older but with lively sparks underneath.

"Are you gonna stay here and watch Sco.. Scrim?", you asked hesitantly.
Ruby opened one eye and stared at the ceiling, recognizing your name change, "If he gets up, he's gonna be like before. Yeah, I'm stayin'."
"Well... be safe...", you whispered. Your eyes focused back on Scrim and your heartstrings were tugged to their max. You wanted to grab and hold Scrim, but that was not the same human.
Ruby shut his eye again and stretched a leg out, "Thanks though."

You closed the door and let tears fall. Silvery bubbles popped up around your feet where each tear hit. You took a moment to collect yourself and then retreated to the living room. The sun was nearly gone by then and the sky was replaced with a lavender twilight. A phone on the coffee table buzzed to life.
You snatched it up and read the name- Pouya!
You knew the phone was locked, so you set it down sullenly. Then, it buzzed again but as a phone call this time. You dove for it and answered.
"'Ello!", you said.
The other end was silent for a moment, "Oh,Y/N- that's your name right?"
You sighed, "Nice memory. Yeah that's it. If you're looking for the boys, they're both busy right now, so it's just me out here."
He grumbled and spoke up again, "I was gonna make a surprise visit, since we gotta get to the grind soon. I'm literally driving around aimlessly through town."
"I mean, I'm out here just as bored.", you cooed. You were trying to escape the mess at home.
"I mean, would they be cool with that? I'm down to take you to get a drink or chill with some of my homies."
Your body became warm and you practically shoved out the negative emotions, "They'd be fine with it- they probably want me outta here for awhile to do other things."- not an entire lie, just one by omission.
"Alright, I'll be 'round by 8. Be ready."
He hung up and you bolted to your room. You only had a solid 40 minutes to fix yourself up. You threw on a snug FTP hoodie and the first pair of tight, dark pants that suited your needs. A purposely degraded pair of combat boots from Scrim's shopping spree for you worked perfectly with the look. You glanced at the mirror and caught sight of yourself. You gritted your teeth and started fixing your hair quickly- this night had you looking rough.
You hadn't worn much makeup in awhile, but you managed to fish out the old makeup from your backpack. Your skin would just have to stay the way it was, but you were able to make your eyebrows a bit more put together and your eyelashes exist.
With that, you rushed to the living room and sat on the couch. You almost considered bringing your phone, but it was practically trash at that point. You didn't even know if it would function, so you let it stay. The clock had moved at an almost magical pace while you had been getting ready, and within minutes Pouya would arrive. You hadn't gotten to know him well while "hanging out" with Scrim at the studio. He'd been polite, but that was all you could remember.
In the back of the house, you heard another round of shuffling. You cringed and shut your eyes, waiting for them to stop fighting again. Pouya's car pulled up just in time, and you dashed to the front door when you heard the hum of a car engine. Your closed the door quietly as to not alert anyone of your disappearance and quickly strode to his SUV. You opened the passenger side door and was met with Fat Nick's ridiculously warm smile- laced with icy teeth- and a complex tangle of bleached dreads.
"Get inna back babe- issa full house tonight.", he said wistfully.
Pouya leaned back from the steering wheel and raised a brow at you, "Aye hon, looking nice for the Florida crew, eh?"
You felt your face heat up, "If I'm gonna make it a night, better go all out, right?"
He nodded and Fat Nick closed the door. You stepped back from the passenger door and noted the sheer size of the jet black SUV. Then you grabbed the handle and confidently opened the back door.
"Awe fuck, what do we got here?"
You froze and stared into the back, which was not set up like any normal SUV. All of the seats were set up facing each other, like a limo but crushed down. One row of seats were facing away from the driver's seats, and the other side was against the trunk space like normal seats. The black, leather seats were filled with people, only one of whom you had met before. They sat without seat belts, legs apart, and in a semi-circle situation.
"She's cool, this is Y/N.", Ghoste held out his hand and helped you in.
You quickly sat in the last empty seat and combed your hair with your fingers.
Everyone stole secret glances at you while the car sped off from the driveway. Part of you had a nauseous sensation hitting hard, but you couldn't tell if it was from regret or genuine excitement. You managed somehow to push out the knowledge that Ruby and Scrim were having a hell of a time at home, and that you had coldly left.
"Girl, ya heard of me? Shakewell?", a larger guy stuck out his hand for a shake.
You grabbed it and he gave a firm, single shake of his hand.
"I know your name and some of your music."
He grinned, "Oh girl, what the hell ya doin' down here? I can tell ya aren't from 'round here."
You snorted and crossed your arms, "Does it matter? I chill with the boys. I got nothing to prove."
He laughed and leaned back in his seat, "No wonder ya get to live with 'em, you're feisty enough."
Ghoste fixed his hair rapidly, "Long time no see, yeah?"
You shrugged with a smirk, "Yeah, yeah..."

"Ya know her Ghoste?", asked someone who was incredibly familiar across the way.
Ghoste nodded and introduced the guy quickly, "Y/N, this is someone a lot of us have worked with in the past- Getter. I convinced him to come along with us since he was already in Florida visiting me."

    He had much more of a baby face than the others and shorter, soft brown hair parted on the side

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He had much more of a baby face than the others and shorter, soft brown hair parted on the side. His heavy eyebrows framed the soft face, and an almost unnoticeable gold ring clung to his septum. He seemed friendly to say the least. Getter gave you a goofy smile and shook your hand, "Aye, nice meeting ya. Real name is Tanner."
You held back a giggle and nodded at him. He seemed to have an aura that exuded warm joy. He sat back calmly in the chair with his legs spread. The world spun and you sat back in your seat trying to collect yourself . Ghoste continued his familiar grin.
"How is everything back at home? Still spontaneously fuc-"
    You intervened quickly, "Ya know what, everything is fine now that you bring it up."
    He laughed and looked out the window, "Ah, I hear what you're saying."
Shakewell checked his phone while Tanner raised an eyebrow at you. Your face heated up and you turned away.
"What are we up to tonight?", you asked shyly.
Tanner brashly replied, "Whatever feels right."
Ghoste scoffed quietly, "I got some ideas."

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