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~Natasha's pov~

"A-Austin."I stutter,a small crowd forming around us.

"You what?"he asks again,this time his voice softer,a hint of hurt in his voice that shatters my heart.

"No it wasn't like that,"I shake my head slowly walking towards him,ignoring the whispers,"Justin kissed me and I didn't kiss back.."

He doesn't talk for a moment,as if deciding what to say.After a little,he nods,but then he pushes me gently behind him and glares at Justin furiously.

God damn.

"What the fuck did I tell you?"Austin says quietly but aggressively,as if ready to pounce.

Justin just stands there,contemplating on what to say.He knows he's is deep shit,he is probably wondering whether or not to argue and act all tough guy or just apologise.

"Austin please.."I say, almost a whisper.

"What the fuck,did I tell you?"Austin asks again this time but a little louder.

"Bro-"Justin begins before a loud voice cuts him off.

"What is going on here?"A teacher yells,trying to push through the crowd.

Austian ignores her and barges towards Justin pushing him harshly.Justin is taken aback but when Austin raises his fist,Justin ducks.

I run up to them and step in front of Austin,knowing he won't throw punches near me.

"Austin.."I warn,slowly pushing him backwards as my hands pushes his chest.

He slowly starts stepping back,breathing heavily and keeping his stare on Justin.

"You three,"the teacher begins angrily at us,"are suspended for a day."He snarls.

"WHAT?!"my eyes widen

"But Natasha didn't even do any-"Justin argues but is cut off with a wave of her hand.

"Collect your stuff and come back tomorrow with a better attitude."She snaps before stomping away.

I turn around angrily to Justin who is now almost next to Austin.I raise my hand and slap both of them across the cheek,hard.

"You are fucking idiots."I spat before grabbing my things and storming out the hallway.

"NATASHA WAIT!"Austin calls but to be honest,I didn't wanna deal with having a conversation with him at the moment.

I unlock my car,get in and slam the door shut.


I pull into Starbucks.I step out into the parking lot,causing a shiver to go through me..I walk inside and sit down at a booth,not bothering to order anything.

I sigh,leaning my head against the window.

"Why?"I whisper to myself.

Then someone taps at the glass.Furrowing my eyebrows,I turn to the right and look out the window to see Austin standing there.

I sigh but can't help let a smile escape onto my lips,making me giggle.

He smiles and walks inside and sits next to me in the booth.

"Natasha I'm really sorry.."He sighs,running a hand through his hair,"i shouldn't have done all of the stupid things I've done and I'm really,really sorry ok princess?"he smiles.

"It's ok."I smile,nodding.

He laughs and pecks my lips.He is so cute.

"Did you get anything?"He asks.

I shake my head,my mind somewhere else.

At least by doing all these things,I know he cares,right? And at least he even followed after me to apologise.But what was it with him and Justin.

Why did he have something against him so much? what happened between them? was it work maybe? And what did they even work as?

All the questions were running through my mind and I honestly am getting impatient on the answer..

"Hey Austin?"

"Yes babe?"he answers softly in my ear.

"Don't get angry ok?"I begin,he nods in reply."Last night when I was walking home from your place-"

"By yourself?!"

"Yeah we kinda had an argument,you probably don't remember."I nod.

"You're right,I don't."he shakes his head,sighing.

"So when I was walking there was this guys,he was touching me and stuff.."I begin shakily,"and then Justin was there,and he scared him off.."

"Oh my god Nat.."He scowls,"I should've been there.I'm so so sorry."He frowns.

"It's ok it's ok it's just..."I sigh,"Justin seemed to know who it was..He called him Delitio or something?"

His eyes widen,anger flashing his eyes again,"Are you sure that's what he said?"

I nod,biting my bottom lip,"and he said that 'we' will blow your head off...Later I asked him who we was and he said You,Justin and a few other guys.We ended up talking about his work,"he seemed to tense up when I said that,"and he didn't tell me much but he said that you would tell me soon.."

"I can't have you in danger,Natasha."He frowns.

"How would telling me what you do put me in danger?!"I cry,throwing my hands up.

"Because.."He sighs frustratedly,rubbing his hands over his face,"Because it would."

"You are going to need to tell me sooner or later Austin.."I snap before climbing out of the booth and walking away from his for the second time today...

Dayum drama!! What'd you guys think about the last chappie and this one,lil drama huh? Haha.

Do you think Austin's gonna tell nat?

Do you guys think you'll be seeing more of Delitio?(his first name is john but everyone called him by his last name bc that's badass lol)

Who do you think is gonna die soon ?

Ily all<3

~ Mia xoxo <33

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