Chapter 2

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Journey Hayes-

I lied on my bed, flipping through an essence magazine while Whitney Houston's 'Whitney' vinyl mused softly throughout my room. It had been almost a week since we'd been in Charlotte and it honestly wasn't even that bad, although we were bored out of our minds. All I and Wesley did was sit in the house all day while Dad went to work. Since everybody was out for Spring Break, we'd have to wait until next week to get enrolled in school. From what I knew, the high school was right down the street and the elementary school Wesley would be attending was right down the street as well, which meant I'd have to walk and pick him up every day after school. I didn't mind though because it would give me something to do.

While I flipped through my magazine, there were a few knocks on my door. "Come in," I said, looking up. Dad walked in and sat on my bed, "What you up to?" He asked and I glanced at him.

How rhetorical of you, Father.

"Reading a magazine," I said in a 'duh' tone. He smacked his lips before speaking again, "Listen, I know you're tired of being cooped up in the house, especially with Wesley breathing down your neck. So, what I want you to do is go out and explore." I furrowed my eyebrows and stared at him, "And go where, exactly?" I questioned. "There are a few places right down the street: A cafe, a bookstore, a few places to shop, an arcade, and a park as well. So, go out and do something." He said, reaching into his pocket and grabbing his wallet. He pulled out $75 and handed it to me, "Have fun," He said before standing up and exiting out of my room before I could even thank him. "Thank you!" I called out.

Closing my magazine, I stood up and went over to my closet to get some clothes. Although it was spring, it was still a tad bit cold out so I settled on a black crew neck sweater, lightly washed Levi's, as well as a pair of Doc Martens. I then went to my drawer for some undergarments. Once I had my things prepared, I went to bathe and do my hair. I did a once over in the mirror and I was content with how I looked.

After exiting the bathroom, I tidied my room up a bit before grabbing my purse and putting my money inside. On my way out of the door, I was stopped by Wesley. "Where are you goin'?" He asked and I turned around and seem him in his drawers, eating cookie crisp directly out of the box. "First of all, I'm gro--"

"No, you're not. Your birthday isn't until October." He shoved a handful of cereal into his mouth. Whose mans is this?

"Anyways, I'm leaving. And, why the hell are you eating my cereal?" I asked and his response was, "I ran out of mine and Dad only eats Raisin Bran and I'm not gonna kill my taste buds like that," He responded. I huffed and rolled my eyes, "Okay, well, you owe me another box of cereal." I said, opening the door and making my way out. "It'll be coming out of your ten dollars," He called out and I poked my head inside and said, "You're gonna give me my ten dollars and my cereal or face the consequences," I said and he scoffed, laughing afterwards as if I was a comedian and I just told the funniest joke in the world. "Is that a threat?" He asked as he continued eating my cereal. "It's a promise." and with that, I left out of the house and made my way down the street, without an idea of where I was gonna go first. As I continued to walk, the first place I saw was the bookstore so that was my first stop.

I walked inside and was greeted by the sound of soft Piano music playing, as well as chatter amongst the people who were already there. "Welcome to Pierre's bookstore." I was greeted and I smiled at the lady that was behind the counter. I went to different aisles in search of a good book that would keep me content. As I continued walking, there was a book that caught my eye. The title of it was 'The house on Mango Street'. I turned the book over and read the overview, which was intriguing so I decided that I'd purchase it. "Did you find everything okay?" The cashier, who went by the name of Sue asked as she scanned my book. "Yes, I did thank you." The total of the book was $7.34, so I handed her a ten dollar bill and she gave me my change. "Have a good day." She said with a smile. "You too." with that, I exited the store and decided to go to the cafe so I could eat and start on reading my book. The zone was the name of it and I couldn't help but notice a large 'HELP WANTED' sign that was in the window.

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