Chapter 13

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Journey Hayes-

"Attention all juniors and seniors! Prom tickets are now available for purchase! Prom tickets purchase dates are from now, May 4th until June 2nd, The day before prom! Get your tickets now! Also, don't forget about the basketball game being held in the gymnasium at 7 until 10:00. Be there or be square. Peace." Our morning announcement blared through the intercom

"We definitely have to go Prom dress shopping together!" Denise says excitedly as we walk towards her locker together. "Sounds like a plan."

I was so excited about prom. My last four years of high school haven't been so great and I was hoping prom night would be the night that made up for all of those bad times that I had gone through. Prom was going to be the best night of my life and I was going to make sure of it and I wasn't going to allow anyone to take that from me.

"What color were you thinking about wearing?" She asks while rummaging through her locker and I leaned up against the locker that was next to her and I pursued my lips to the side while I thought about her question. Before I could respond to her question, she began to speak again.

"Personally, I think you'd look amazing in a black dress. Even though you always wear baggy clothes, you have a nice shape and a nice black dress would accentuate your curves." She said, glancing over at me. "It's just a suggestion though." She says, closing her locker after retrieving what she needed.

"That's actually a good suggestion because I didn't even have a color or dress style in mind," I told her truthfully as we walked down the hall. On our way to class, I saw Hakeem standing up against his locker, conversing with a few of his friends. "There goes your man. I'll meet you in class." She says and I nod and give her a smile as we part ways. I walk over to Hakeem and he looks over at me with his charming smile. "Hey, baby." He greets me and pulls me into a close hug and I smile. "Hey." He kisses my cheek and his friends stare at us with smirks on their faces and one of them stare me down with eyes roaming my body.

I scrunched my face up in disgust and Hakeem looked at me and followed my gaze. "You got a problem with your eyes or something muthafucka'?" He asks him harshly and the guy snaps out of his reverie and he glares back at Hakeem. "Keep your eyes off my girl, nigga. You lucky she right here or I would've beat that ass." Hakeem expresses angrily and it takes me by surprise because I'd never seen him so mad. Usually, Hakeem was very cool and laid back but the way he's reacting is all new to me. "Come on shorty, I'll walk you to class." He grabs my hand and we begin walking down the hall towards my class.

There was an awkward silence between us until we had arrived closer to my class, "Uh, I have to leave early again so I won't see you during lunch. You got anything planned tonight or after school?" He asks and I loop my thumbs in the straps of my backpack. "Um, I was thinking about going to the basketball game with everyone since I was off of work and everything. But, if you want, we could chill afte-" He cut me off. "It's cool, baby. I got some stuff to handle tonight. You can go ahead and chill with your friends but call me when you get home and after the game."

"What you be doing to where you're so busy all the time? Like, you've been leaving early for the last three da—"

"I told you it's some business, aight?" He raises his voice and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Stop raising your voice at me like you crazy. I was just concerned because that's what I'm supposed to do as a girlfriend but that's my fault so I guess I'll stop being so concerned." I said, rolling my eyes.

He sighed and smacked his lips. "Aight, whatever. I'll talk to you later." He turned around walked down the hallway and I scoffed before shaking my head and going into class and sitting down at my desk. I was really irritated at the moment so I didn't want to really interact with anyone. I don't know what his issue is but if he's expecting me to kiss his ass then he could forget it.

A Girl Like You // D. Swing [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now