Chapter 2

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Journey Hayes

The next morning, I stared straight up at the ceiling and listened to Sunny and Quinita's conversation through the vent that leads from my room, into the living room.

"So, What are you gonna do about your situation with Wesley and JJ?" Sunny asks and Quinita lets out a long, exasperating sigh. "I don't know, to be honest, mama. I mean, I have one that hates me and wants nothing to do with me and I don't even know how the other one feels about me." If I were to dial up Wesley right now, he'd probably lose his shit when he found out I was in the same vicinity of his mother but it wasn't my responsibility to call and inform him of his Mother and her whereabouts.

"She doesn't hate you, Quinita. She doesn't know how to feel about you and she doesn't know how to approach those feelings because all she does is run from them, like you. If there is one thing you haven't taught her in her eighteen years of life, you damn sure have taught her how to run away from all of her problems or to solve them using the easy way out. I mean, why do you think she left North Carolina to come back home?" Sunny says.

I couldn't even say anything because as much as I hated to admit it, Sunny was right.

I was a runner.

And I realized that running away from my problems or using the easy way to get out of them was not only damaging to me, but it also hurt other people in the process. "I know! But, how am I going to be able to reconcile our relationship and clean up the mess I've made? I mean, damn. Is there even any room for any reconciliation?"

"That's for you to find out, Quin. Just give her some time." Sunny says. A part of me wanted to mend our broken relationship, but another part of me wanted to keep things the way they were but that would be hard, especially if she was gonna be around. But, knowing her, she'd be around temporarily then she'd be gone again for God knows how long. I sighed and pushed the covers off of my body before standing up and grabbing some clothes out of my bag and going to the bathroom to freshen up.

Once I was ready, I exited the bathroom and walked into the kitchen where Quinita sat at the table and Sunny stood at the stove preparing breakfast. "Good morning! Glad to have you here with us. How'd you sleep?" Sunny asks and I shrug. "Couldn't get much rest."

I tapped my nails against the counter and out of my peripheral, I saw Quinita staring at me as if she wanted to say something but it seemed like she was afraid to. "Did Ruby and Max make it home last night?" I asked Sunny and she nodded her head. "Yeah. They didn't come home until damn near two o' clock in the morning so they'll be sleeping for God knows how long." She says and I chuckled as I thought back to the days I used to party and have to sneak in or stay at Denise's to avoid getting caught being drunk.

Ah, good times.

"That sounds fun," I say. "Why don't you ever go out and hang out with your cousins or friends? You're here every weekend and all you do is either study or watch TV with me. Don't you ever get bored?"

Do I?

Trust me, I probably wouldn't come down to Sunny's as often as I did if I had close friends or just people to hang out with in general. Thankfully, I'll be out of my misery in a few weeks. "I don't know what Ruby and Maxwell have going on with their friends or what they have going on in general so, I wouldn't want to impose. On top of that, I'll be reunited with my friends again in a few weeks so," I shrug my shoulders.

"Have you talked to them? How about that one boy?" Sunny asks. "Yes, I've talked to everyone else but not him. That's another conversation for another time." She nods her head knowingly and she starts to prepare our plates. "I smell food- oh, snap!" Ruby walks out with a surprised expression plastered on her face as she looks back and forth between both Quinita and I.

A Girl Like You // D. Swing [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now