Chapter 21

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Journey Hayes

As soon as I opened my eyes, they were met by a bright light that caused me to cringe and blink a few times so my eyes could adjust to the light. I looked down and saw that I was in a hospital bed with an IV attached to the vein in my hand. I slowly turned my head to the side and I looked over and saw Dad sitting in a chair, staring straight ahead.

I opened my mouth to talk but as soon as I did, I whimpered because of the pain that shot through my jaw. I could barely see out of my right eye due to how swollen it was. I snapped my fingers multiple times to catch Dad's attention and once I did, I was met by his bloodshot red eyes which meant he'd been crying.

"JJ, are you okay?" I shook my head no.

"I'm gonna go get the doctor. I'll be right back." My head and face was throbbing and I couldn't tolerate the pain. Tears slowly slid from my eyes down to my ears due to the fact I was laying down.

Moments later, the doctor walked in with Dad right behind him. "Ah, you're awake." The doctor raises the bed so I could sit up. "How do you feel?" He asks.

"I don't think she can talk," Dad says and the nurse nods and he holds up his finger before exiting the room and returning seconds later with a small whiteboard and a black marker. He hands it to me and I open the marker before writing down my thoughts.

My head and the right side of my face is throbbing.

I hold up the clipboard and the doctor reads it before nodding his head. "We'll get you some pain medication momentarily but I just want to explain to you what happened." The doctor says and I point over to the napkins and Dad grabs one handing it to me. I erase the board and write:

I know what happened. I got knocked out.

I hold the board up and the doctor reads it and he nods his head. "Yes, I understand that but when you got punched and you fell, your head hit the ground which left you with a concussion, which is why you're hurting. Now, as for your jaw. If you would've been hit a bit harder, your jaw would've actually be dislocated but thankfully that's not the case." The doctor says and I shake my head.

That bastard!

First, he wants to embarrass me, break my heart, again, then he tries to knock my head off of my shoulders and damn near break my jaw. That's one hell of a trifecta.

I was pissed off but there was nothing I could do.

"Now, there's actually a police officer and a detective here to see you and ask you a few questions. When the police and ambulance were called, the guy who punched you was taken into custody and according to your friends, he's your ex-boyfriend, correct?" I nod my head and he does.

"Okay, so what I'm going to do is go ahead and get you some medicine and I'm gonna send the officer in." I nodded my head and the doctor left out. Moments later, a big, tall, dark-skinned detective walked into the room and with an officer right behind him. I read the detective's name tag and furrowed my eyebrows at his name.

Det. Marlon Bubbles

His name didn't match his appearance at all but whatever. "Good Evening, Ms. Hayes. I'm detective Bubbles and this is Sargent Greene." He points to the officer behind him. "I'm here to ask you a few questions regarding your incident with your ex along with a few more questions. Would you feel more comfortable if your Father was in the room with you while you answered these questions?" I erased the board and wrote my response.

He can step out. I'll be fine.

They read the board and Dad his head. "I'll be right outside, okay?" I nod my head and he kisses my forehead before stepping out of the hospital room. "Okay, Ms. Hayes. When did you and Mr. Hakeem Daniels meet?"

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