Chapter 5

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Journey Hayes

Well, it's been about a week and a half since I've been back home and things are going pretty smooth for the most part, minus the fact that Donald and I don't get along. Ever since that day in the Hailey's garage, he and I haven't exchanged a word to each other but the intense eye contact and the eye rolls that end the staring match said a whole lot; more than words could ever say, which sucked because I wanted to speak to him but the only thing that's bound to happen is him dissing me again, so, I'll pass.

"You look deep in thought about something." Dad steps outside and takes a seat next to me on the porch swing. It was a bit later in the evening and the sun was starting to set so I decided to sit outside and enjoy the nice breeze that was outside. "Nah, I'm cool." I lie, looking over at him and he gives me a look, clearly indicating that he didn't believe me.

"What?" I ask and he chuckles while shaking his head. "Girl, you do know I'm your father, right? Nobody knows you better than me except for God so who are you trying to convince?" He asks and I sigh in defeat because he was absolutely right, well, kind of. De knows me pretty well, in more ways that one might I add but that's beside the point right now. "What's on your mind? You already know my rul-"

"I know, Dad. I know," I say, cutting him off before he repeated them for the 50,000th time. "Okay, so, what's on your mind?" I sighed heavily and shifted my body in the swing and turned to face him. "Okay, so, me and Donald still really aren't on speaking terms and I want to talk to him but I don't know how to approach the situation and on top of that, it seems like he doesn't want to talk," I tell him and he nods his head. "Well, what would give you that impression?" He asks.

"Well, like I said, he and I don't really speak. Like, the other day we had a little spat and ever since then, all we'll do is stare at each other then look away. It's so awkward," I express and look over at him. He had a goofy smile on his face and I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why are you looking like that?" I ask and shakes his head, looking away.

"JJ, for you to be as bright as you are, you can be a little slow at times." He says and I gasp at his remark.

"What would make you say such a thing?" I asked him, clearly offended by his statement. "I didn't mean to offend you but I mean, the answer is literally in your face." He says and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "What?" He sighs and shakes his head. "Donald is feeling the same way you are, but he doesn't know how to approach those feelings. Trust me, you guys will definitely talk out your situation and when you guys talk, more than likely the issue will be resolved and everything will be the same again. Just give it time."

See, that's why Maurice is my nigga. He was brutally honest and I couldn't do anything but respect that.

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Pops," I say, leaning over and kissing his cheek. "Anytime, baby girl." Moments later, Wesley comes outside with the phone in hand. "JJ, Dalvin is on the phone for you." I stood up and grabbed the phone from him before going inside. "Wassup, Dal?" I greet him.

"Aye, get dressed. Denise will be there to get you in thirty minutes." Dalvin says and I raise my eyebrow. "What did y'all have planned?"

"Don't trip. Just get ready, a'ight?" He says and I smack my lips and rolled my eyes because of his stubbornness. "Alright."

"A'ight, peace." The call is ended and I put the phone back on the charger before going into my bedroom to make myself presentable. Just as I was finishing up my hair, I hear Denise's horn outside and Dad calls my name.

A Girl Like You // D. Swing [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now