Chapter 20

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Author's Note~ This will be the last party they attend 😂 But this chapter is where things get...

Author's Note~ This will be the last party they attend 😂 But this chapter is where things get

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Journey Hayes.

"Journey, I need you to serve tables three and four for me." Jeanine says as I prepare a fresh pot of coffee for our incoming customers. "Sure thing," I say, turning the coffee pot on and wiping my hands on my smock before reaching in and grabbing my notepad and pen.

I went over to table three and I mentally cursed and rolled my eyes once I saw who it was sitting at the table. If you guessed Hakeem, you are correct.

He was sitting there with his stupid ass friends, including the weird friend, whose name was Trell that loved to stare at me all the time.

"Hey." He kisses my cheek and his friends stare at us with smirks on their faces and one of them stare me down with eyes roaming my body.

I scrunched my face up in disgust and Hakeem looked at me and followed my gaze. "You got a problem with your eyes or something muthafucka'?" He asks him harshly and the guy snaps out of his reverie and he glares back at Hakeem. "Keep your eyes off my girl, nigga. You lucky she right here or I would've beat that ass." Hakeem expresses angrily.

"Welcome to The Zone. Can I start y'all off with something to drink?" I ask and Hakeem smirks at me. "Oh shit! I didn't know your girl worked here, Hakeem." One his friends say and Hakeem chuckles.

"I'm not his girl." I say and Hakeem smacks his lips. "Anyways, do y'all know what y'all want? Because if not I can come back because I have other tables to serve." I continue.

"You know what I like, baby." He winks at me and bites his lip, causing me to scrunch up my face.

He chuckles and I write down his drink selection while waiting for the others to tell me what they wanted

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He chuckles and I write down his drink selection while waiting for the others to tell me what they wanted. "I'll have an Apple juice." I nodded my head and wrote that down. As soon as the rest of them had given me there orders, I went ahead and went over to table six and took their order before going to retrieve Hakeem and his friend's drinks.

A Girl Like You // D. Swing [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now