Chapter 1

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Journey Hayes-
May, 1992

One year ago, I never would've thought my life would be the way it is now. All within one year, I'd had my heartbroken and I'd broken a heart. And the crazy thing about it is, I was still in love with the man I hurt.

I can't help but feel like he was the one that got away. I can't help but feel that there's no one out there who could offer me the same love and affection he'd given me at one point and time.

He was the one.

Even after all that happened, I still couldn't imagine loving anyone else the way I loved him but the sad reality is, it's probably one sided after what I've done... but, who could I blame other than myself?

"So, are you excited for summer break?" Denise asks over the phone and I smacked my lips while twisting the phone cord around my index finger. "Hell yeah! But... Here's the thing..." I trail off. "What's the thing?" She asks, with a concerned voice. "So, I'm thinking about transferring to Duke sophomore year." She lets out a loud squeal that causes me to scrunch up my face and pulling the phone away from my ear.

"Damn, Denise chill." She laughs. "I'm so sorry but that's the best news I've heard in a while." She says and it causes a smile to form.

Living in Georgia and going to college here was cool and all but I was missing home desperately. I was grateful for the family and friends I had here but my real family and friends were located in North Carolina and I felt so out of the loop not being there with everyone. Apart of me regrets leaving but another part feels like it was necessary.

"Well, I'm glad I could be the one to deliver it. I miss you guys so much, you don't even understand." I sigh as a sudden melancholic feeling washes over me. "We miss you too! But we know you miss Don more." She says and my heart palpitates at the sound of his name. It's crazy how after all this time he still has an effect on me.

It's been almost a year since we've seen each other or even spoke. Every time I ask someone about him, they tell me the exact same thing:

'He's fine. He's just been focused on school.'

I think about him often. He's the last thing on my mind when I go to sleep and the first person on it when I wake up.

I couldn't shake this feeling. I wish I could hear his voice again. Or feel his arms wrapped around but, wishful thinking, huh?

"That might be the case but he's not worried about me. Anyways, how's school?" I ask her and she lets out a long, exasperating sigh. "Shit is wack. Summer break needs to hurry up." She says and I agree. "Do you know what day you'll be out here?" She asks and I shake my head but I'm pretty sure she could hear my hoop earrings clanking against the phone. "I'm not sure but once I find out, I'll definitely let you know."

"Cool beans but my class is starting in ten so I gotta get a move on. I'll call you tonight," She says. "Alright, girly. Love you and tell everyone I said hi."

"Sure thing. Love you too, bye." With that, the call is ended which has me feeling alone. Denise had been my only source of entertainment since I had gotten home from my biology class and I didn't have class for another hour so that left me with absolutely nothing to do.

Hm, let me call Dad.

I grabbed the phone and dialed his number with the speed of lightning. The phone began to ring and after the third ring, he answered. "Hayes residence."

"Hey, Pops."

"Hey! How's my baby girl?" He asks and a smile spreads across my face. "I'm good, Dad. How are you and Wesley?" I ask.

A Girl Like You // D. Swing [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now