Chapter 3

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Journey Hayes-

"JJ! Time for school, get up!" I groaned and rolled over, throwing my covers over my head. "Journey, wake up." I felt myself being shook and I groaned, pushing my Dad's hand away. "Alright, I'll be back in here in thirty seconds. If you're not up, prepare to get splashed." I flipped my covers from over my head and glared at my Dad, "You wouldn't," I glared at him with squinted eyes and chuckled, "Let me leave out of this room and come back and you're still in this bed. Watch what happens." With that, he left out of my room and I whined, kicking my legs around. After my temper tantrum, I flipped my covers off of my body and sat up, staring straight ahead at the wall, contemplating if my education was really important enough for me to get out of my comfortable bed.

"I knew you'd make the right choice," My dad walks into the room with a cup of water in hand. "Come on so you can eat your breakfast. We don't want you being late for your last first day back to school." I smacked my lips. "I could honestly care less." I stood up and stretched before sliding my feet into my house shoes and following him into the kitchen. Wesley sat at the table, picking through his food. It was apparent he had an attitude.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked as I grabbed my fork and butter knife, cutting into my pancakes. "He got splashed," Dad simply said before he sat at the table. "Yikes.." I mumbled to myself as I poured syrup over my food. I said my grace before digging in.

"What time do you get out of school, JJ?" Dad asked. "2:35 and I have to be at work by 3:00," I said, grabbing my glass of apple juice. Apple Juice is much better than orange juice, don't argue with me.

"Alright, So after school Wesley, go to the Cafe. Don't go anywhere else," Dad said sternly and Wesley nodded, eating his food. I took a few more bites of food before wiping off my hands and face, "What time is it?" I asked Dad and he glanced at his watch, "6:45," He said and I stood up. "I have an hour before school starts. I gotta start getting ready. Thanks for breakfast." I went into the bathroom to do my regular hygiene routine, which included brushing my teeth, washing my face, and bathing. I then went back to my room and moisturized my body and got dressed.

I didn't want to be too over the top, so I settled for a yellow half shirt, light blue denim overalls, as well as white converse, examining myself in the mirror, pursing my lips while trying to figure out what to add to my outfit. I put on my bracelet, a watch, as well as my diamond studs and a necklace.

I looked at my clock and noticed I had fifteen minutes before I had to leave. Quickly, I went into the bathroom and slicked my hair into a low bun and quickly did my makeup, which consisted of lightly filling in my thick eyebrows, mascara, and lipgloss. I then went back into my bedroom to grab my backpack and beeper. I made sure I had everything in my backpack before heading out. "I love you guys," I called out.

"Have a good day, sweetheart! Love you." My Dad responded and Wesley went on to say, "Don't accidentally go into the boy's bathroom or trip in front of your whole class and get carpet burn on your forehead like you did your first day of fresh--" I cut Wesley off, "I'm breaking your neck when I see you later on," I left out and closed the door, adjusting my backpack. "Bastard," I mumbled before making my way down the street towards the direction of Parker High School. When I arrived, I heard the warning bell ring, which meant I had a good two minutes to get to class. Damn, I didn't think I walked that slow.

Luckily when I got enrolled last week, they gave me a tour of the school, assigned me a locker, and gave me the books I would need for my classes. I walked inside and maneuvered through groups of people to get to my destination. When I arrived at my locker, I quickly put in my combination and opened my locker. I grabbed my chemistry, Civics, and Literature books and closed my locker, before twisting the padlock and making my way to class. The bell had rung and the hallway was damn near cleared out about time I got to class. I opened the door and walked in. When I walked in, everybody's attention diverted to me and I grew self-conscious. "And you are?" The teacher asked.

A Girl Like You // D. Swing [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now