Chapter 18

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Journey Hayes.

"CONGRATULATIONS!" Both Dad and Wesley screamed out as soon as I walked into the house. I scrunched up my face and furrowed my eyebrows in pure confusion while I closed and locked the door. "Um, thanks?" The both of them just smiled at me and I looked at them with my face scrunched up. "What is y'all problem? Why are y'all looking at me like that?" Dad grabs two opened envelopes off of the table and he hands them to me.

I read the envelopes and my heart starts racing.

Georgia State University & Duke.

I grabbed the letter out of the GSU envelope and I unfolded the paper and a wide smile spread across my face as I read the letter. "Oh my gosh... What?" I say to myself in utter disbelief while I fold that paper up and open the one from Duke. When I had got to the end of Duke's letter, I was smiling and tears of joy rolled down my face.

I had gotten accepted into my top two colleges and I was more than happy but the only thing that sucked is that I'd have to make the decision of where I wanted to go. Going to GSU would be great for me. I'd be able to go back home, visit my family, and possibly rekindle with my old friends but the downside was leaving everybody here in North Carolina.

I wasn't going to even stress myself out about this because I still had time to make my decision. "I'm so proud of you, sweetheart! This is a big choice you have to make, you know that, right?" Dad says engulfing me in a big bear hug and I nod my head while wiping away the few tears that had fallen. "I know, but, I have time to make my decision," I pull away from his hug and I set both of my envelopes down on the table. "I say we go out and do some celebrating. That is unless you don't have any plans." Dad says.

We had officially checked out of school two days ago and graduation was in approximately four days so all of my free time has been spent either working or hanging out with the crew. Things have gotten better between us, us as in me and Don, since the night of Prom. We hadn't talked about the situation completely but I did reassure him that I wasn't angry at him so there was no awkward tension between any of us and everything was sailing smoothly.

As for my whole situation with Hakeem, I hadn't spoken to him since he showed up at my house unannounced a few weeks ago and I was content with that. I was still a bit hurt but I was straight nonetheless. From what I'm hearing, he isn't graduating due to his lack of attendance but he has nobody but himself to blame. But, I was over him and I was moving on. That's all I could do.

"Uh, I was actually going to the mall and movies with Don and them for a few hours but we could definitely do something tomorrow?" I suggested with a small smile and Dad returned it. "Sure thing, baby girl. What time are you supposed to be leaving?" He asks and I glance down at my watch and read the time.

"At 6:30 and it's 4:32 so I gotta get a move on." I state, taking my shoes off and picking them up so I could carry them to my room. "Yeah you should because you know how long it takes you to get ready." I smacked my lips and nudged him. "Oh, whatever." He chuckles and I did the same.

"Well, go on and get ready. I love you and I'm proud of you, baby girl." He kisses my forehead and I smile. "Thanks, Pops." I give him a hug and once I pull away, I go straight to my room and I pick out my outfit before going to take a shower.

After bathing, I moisturized and deodorized my body before getting dressed in the outfit I had previously picked out. For the most part, my hair was done- well, it was up in a messy bun but I decided to spruce it up a little by making it neater and styling my edges.

Once I was fully dressed, I had about fifteen minutes to spare so I went ahead and spiced my appearance up a little by filling in my eyebrows and glossing my lips. As for my accessories, I decided to keep the necklace I had on already so I went ahead and put on a watch, a few rings, and my medium sized hoop earrings, along with a pair of shades.

A Girl Like You // D. Swing [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now