Chapter 22

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Journey Hayes

"You still haven't told him yet?!" Denise says and I facepalm myself while shaking my head. It had been almost two weeks since I made my decision and I was just now telling Denise about it and as you can see, she was on my ass about me not telling Donald.

I felt horrible about not telling him, especially since I would be leaving in two and a half weeks. I wanted to tell him but I didn't know how. Plus, he and I have grown a lot closer so that made it harder to tell him.

I mean, hell, we're basically like boyfriend and girlfriend but without the title. "Journey, if you don't tell him and you just up and leave, he's gonna be crushed," Denise says and I sighed.

"I know, I know." I bit the inside of my cheek and wiped my curly hair out of my face. "I'm gonna tell him."

"Sooner than later I hope." The line clicks and I pull the phone away and look at the Caller I.D. and saw Donald was calling. "I'll call you back, Neicey." I say and she gives a simple 'ok' before I click over. "Hello?"

"What you doing, baby?" A smile spreads on my face like a wildfire in the forest and I get that same tingly feeling I always get in my gut whenever I heard his voice. "Just got off of the phone with Denise. What are you up to?" I ask, playing with the charm on my necklace. "Nothing which is why I called to tell you be ready in about... ten minutes." I glance over at my clock and my eyes damn near pop out of my head.

"Now, Donald. What business would we have being out at damn near 2 o'clock in the morning?" I ask and he chuckles. "I'm just try'na take you to get something to eat then we can just go somewhere and chill and listen to music or some shit. I know for a fact music and food are your two favorite things so I know you're not about to turn me down." He was absolutely correct.

I wasn't.

"See? You know those are my weaknesses so it made it easy for you to lure me out of bed. I'll be ready in ten, dork." He chuckles. I stand up and walk over to my closet. "Alright, baby." With that, the call is ended and I put my phone down on my dresser while raiding my closet for something to wear. I went ahead and slipped my clothes and shoes on before fixing my hair and shoving my keys and pager into my pocket.

I was kind of nervous because I'd never snuck out of the house, especially at this time of night but as we can see, I liked Donald so much that I was willing to get potentially grounded for him.

Like clockwork, he shows up exactly ten minutes later and I tip-toe out of my room and I quietly make my way to the front door and I open it slightly and I lock the bottom lock before sliding my body through the Small opening and closing the door.

I jog over to his car and I open the door and get in. "If I get grounded, it's your fault." I say, putting on my seatbelt as he speeds away from the curb. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. You know your dad is lenient as hell so you're not gonna get grounded." I smack my lips. "He allows me to do things if I ask him, not if I sneak out. I think you're forgetting that I'm not even eighteen yet and neither are you so how the hell do you manage to sneak out and stay out all hours of the night and go to parties and shit with your strict ass parents?" I ask him and he chuckles.

"That's for me to know and not for you to worry about. Now, I'm about to stop by this lil' twenty-four hour burger joint, get us something to eat, then we gon' go somewhere and chill, aight?" He stops at a red light and looks over at me with a smile on his face.

"Alright." He uses his free hand to intertwine our fingers and he uses the other one to steer the car while we drive towards our destination. While he's driving, I turn on his radio. The sound of Michael Jackson's Liberian Girl muses throughout the speakers of his car and I gasp. "This is my song! Oh my gosh!" I turn up the volume all he does is smile and flicker his eyes back and forth between me and the road while I sing the song.

A Girl Like You // D. Swing [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now