Chapter 7

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Journey Hayes

"Wassup with all that shit you had to say earlier? Huh?" He breathes out, kissing my ear, with his hand wrapped around my throat and his other hand on the small of my back, pressing down to deepen the arch in my back. He dug deeper with each and every stroke, allowing me to feel every single inch he had to offer.

I gripped onto his pillow and I bit my bottom lip to hold back my moans since Dalvin and Cedric were somewhere around here and the last thing I needed was them to hear me getting my back blown out.

"Oh, so you don't hear me?" He moves his hand off of my back and he smacks my ass, causing me to moan out.

"I-I'm sorry, baby," I whimper and I already knew he had that stupid, cocky ass smirk on his face.

"Say it louder." He smacks my ass once more and he picks up his pace, causing me to whine out as I felt more of my juices seep out of me and run down my thigh.

"I'm sorry, baby," I moan louder and he goes faster, causing me to bury my face into his pillow and cry out loudly. My legs started to shake and I felt my stomach tighten as he continued to pound away.

Eventually, his strokes come to a halt and he pulls out, flipping me over. My chest heaves up and down as I watch him place his hands on my thighs, pinning my legs down onto the mattress before slowly sliding in between my tight, lubricated walls without any assistance from his hands. "Don-" He covers my mouth, muffling the loud moans that escaped my lips.

With each stroke he provided, he grazed against my cervix, hitting my spot each and every time and I couldn't concentrate on anything except the feeling of how good he felt sliding in and out of me.

He moves his hand off of my mouth and he kisses my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck and I rest my hand on the back of his neck as our lips moved in sync. He moans against my lips and he pulls away, resting his forehead on mine and staring into my eyes as he kept going.

Our intense staredown caused butterflies to form in my stomach and my toes curled as I felt my core getting tighter from the feeling of my orgasm approaching.

He buries his face into the crook of my neck and he moans into my ear, causing me to scratch at his back.

"Please, don't stop, baby." I plead with my eyes squeezed shut and my eyebrows furrowed as I felt him bringing me closer and closer to my peak of pleasure.

My walls started to contract around him and he groans, picking up the pace, causing the headboard to smack against the wall and my head started to slam against the pillow that was propped against the headboard.

"Yes,...Yes,...Yes- mmm!" I bite my lip to try and conceal my moans as my orgasm ripped through me. I cling onto him as my back arches off of the bed and my walls continued to contract around him as my juices flowed onto him and his bedsheets.

His breathing becomes rigid and he groans deeply in my ear and I eventually feel the condom warm up as his warm semen shot out of him.

I kiss his lips as he slowly grinds his hips, riding out his orgasm to the very last drop before collapsing on top of me. "Damn, I missed you." He kisses my cheek and rolls off of me, lying beside me. I remained in the same position, trying to catch my breath and calm myself down.

I look over at him and I noticed that he was laying there with his eyes closed, chest heaving up and down so he could relax from the intense rush of adrenaline.

I snuggled my body closer to his warm one and he instantly wrapped his arm around me, opening his eyes so he could look at me. For a moment, the both of us just stared at each other, allowing ourselves to get lost in each other again but in a non-physical way.

A Girl Like You // D. Swing [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now