Chapter 11

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Journey Hayes

I raised my hand up and I examined my ring for what seemed like the millionth time.

It'd been a week and a half already and I was still in utter shock about Donald proposing to me and I was honestly still trying to wrap my head around what motivated him to make such a life-changing decision so soon.

But, I was happy nonetheless.

Currently, I was packing and gathering the rest of my things since unfortunately, I'd be leaving in two days. These next few months were gonna be so hard. I was going to miss being around my Dad every day and seeing my Fiance, as well as our friends but I knew that this was something I had to do and hopefully I'd get accepted to Duke so I'd be closer to everyone.

While I folded a T-shirt, three knocks on my doorframe interrupted me from my thoughts and I turned around and saw my Dad standing there holding a plate full of cookies.

"Wow, Maurice, you're so good to me." He laughs as I walked over to him and attempted to grab a cookie off of the plate, but he grabbed my hand and began examining my ring with a small smile on his face.

"How does it feel?" He asks, releasing my hand and allowing me to grab the baked delectable off of the plate. "I mean, everything still feels the same but I wanna know what made him propose to me."

He furrowed his eyebrows and grabbed a cookie off of the plate and he took a bite of it before he spoke, "What do you mean? The boy obviously loves you if he's willing to commit and dedicate his whole life to you at the age of nineteen." His words are muffled due to his stuffed mouth but I understood what he was saying perfectly clear.

"Yeah, I get that, but what I'm trying to figure out is, why did he propose all of a sudden?" I took a bite out of my cookie and he stared at me for a few seconds before responding, "Are you questioning his motives?" He asks.

"No! I just wanna know why."

"JJ, sweetheart, that's questioning his motives." He chuckled lightly and shook his head. "If it's weighing on your heart that heavy, then just ask him about it and don't wait until the last minute to do it, either."

I swear if he wasn't my father,  I would've flipped his ass off because he wanted to be shady.

"Uh-uh, don't do that." He raised his hands up in defense and chuckled lightly. "Hey, all I'm saying is, don't make the same mistake twice."

"Yeah, I hear you." He walks over to me and he kisses my forehead before exiting my bedroom.

He did have a point and I decided at that moment, I'd call Donald and tell him to come over.

The line rang twice and he picked up, "Hello?" His voice was deeper and more groggy than usual which informed me that he was either asleep or he was tired. "Hey babe, were you asleep?"

"Just about. What's goin' on?" He asks and I heard a bit of shuffling in the background. "Um, I wanted to see you, but if you don't feel like driving over here, I'll come to you," I said and he releases that sexy, infamous small chuckle he always does. "Nah, It's cool. I don't want you out this late by yourself so I'll come to you, just give me about fifteen minutes."

This is exactly why I fell in love with him in the first place. It's just the small, considerate things he does that had me swooning over him.

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