Chapter 6

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Journey Hayes-

After getting acquainted with the boys, we had been hanging out a lot for the past couple of weeks. Whether it was at school, at the Cafe, or at any other public establishment. I had grown close to them and they were practically my best friends at this point. But aside from them, I had also grown close to Denise, so whenever I wasn't hanging out with the boys, I was with her. Having male friends were cool, but it was a relief to also have someone to relate to and understand me better.

"So, what Y'all got goin' on after school?" Dalvin asked as we all sat down at our lunch table. "I'm chilling with Denise and we're going to go to the nail shop and mall. Why? You had something planned?" I asked, taking a bite out of my apple. "Nah-- well, kinda. Me and De having a party tonight," Dalvin said and I raised my eyebrow. "Aren't y'all parents hella religious?" I asked.

"Yeah, and?" Donald responded, taking a large bite of his chicken sandwich. "And, Y'all Mama and Daddy gon' let Y'all have a party?" I asked. "They're going away to some type of retreat for the weekend. You really think we'd be dumb enough to have a party with them in town?" Donald asked, with his mouth full. "Um, first of all, Ew," My face was scrunched up. "And I certainly hope you wouldn't," I said and watched as he reached over and tried to grab a French fry off of my plate.

I slapped his hand and he quickly retracted it, rubbing it with his other hand to soothe the pain. "Don't even try it." I said and he smacked his lips. "Y'all down or what?" Dalvin asked before taking a sip of his juice. "Uh, I'll ask my Dad. What time is it starting?" Denise asked, looking up at us from her notepad. "9:30," He said and she twisted her lips to the side and continued to sketch in her notepad. "I'll go if Jay goes. Y'all know parties aren't really my thing," She said and all attention diverted towards me. "Well?" Cedric asked.

"To be honest, they're not really my thing either," I said and all of the guys groaned. "Jay, you're being a party pooper! It's not like it'll be a house full of complete strangers. Most of the people will be from school and besides you know us and you know we're not going to let anything happen to you," Dalvin said and De agreed, "Right! So, what do you say?" Donald asked and I sighed. If it really meant that much to them, then I'd go.

"Since it means so much to y'all, I'll go," I said.

We continued to converse amongst one another until Tiana approached the table looking like God knows what.She had dyed her hair red and it looked nice on her but her makeup was a whole 'nother story. She had tried to fill in her eyebrows but they looked really thick and dark. She had attempted to do face makeup as well, but whatever foundation she caked her face with was entirely too light for her Chocolate complexion and she had way too much blush on. God bless this child. She looked like a clown!

"Why the hell you over here? and what's that shit on your face?" Joel asked her with his face scrunched up, indicating he was disgusted

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"Why the hell you over here? and what's that shit on your face?" Joel asked her with his face scrunched up, indicating he was disgusted.

A Girl Like You // D. Swing [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now