Chapter 9

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Journey Hayes-

I stood behind the counter and began preparing a fresh pitcher of lemonade for our incoming customers. My shift had just started and I was already running around like a chicken with my head cut off due to the many customers we had. Once I was done with the lemonade, I poured it into a glass while retrieving other drinks for the customers that were at the same table I had yet to serve.

Grabbing more glasses off of the shelf, I take them and fill them with the proper beverages before putting all of the glasses on the tray and carrying them over to the correct table. I set the drinks in front of the proper person before pulling out my notepad so I could take their order. "Are you guys ready to order your meals or do you guys need more time?" I asked the mixed group of males and females.

Out of my peripheral, I see Cedric, Dalvin, Joel, Denise, and Donald walking in. "We need a few more minutes," They spoke and I nodded.

"Table 6!" Saadiq calls out from the serving window. I hustle over to the serving window and I grab the tray full of food. "Damn, girl. You on a move today," He says and I chuckle in response, "Aren't I always?" I ask.

"You have a point," He puts a small towel over his shoulder. I sigh and make my way over to table 6 to serve their food. "Alright, is there anything else I can get you guys?" I ask the two females as I set their plates in front of them.

"We're fine, thank you," I smile and make my way over to their table. "What y'all niggas want?" I ask them once I get to their table. "That's not how you talk to customers, Aunt Jemima," Cedric says, referring to the bandana I have on my head.

"Right! Don't make me tell Jeanine on you," JoJo says and I kiss my teeth. "Don't make me tell Jeanine on you," I mock childishly. "Nah, for real stop playing. I still have other tables to serve," I say, resting my hand on my hip, watching them look at their menus.
"I'll have an apple juice," Denise says and I nod my head, writing it down.

"Has he came yet?" She asked with a wide smile on her face, referring to Hakeem since he was supposed to be coming to see me. I shake my head with a smile on my face,

"Nobody important supposed to be coming to see you?" Dalvin asks with a smirk on his face. "Yeah, He is nosy. Now, what do y'all niggas want to drink?" I ask, once again.

"I'll have a lemonade," Joel says and Cedric asks for the same thing. I look over at Donald, waiting for him to tell me what he wanted. I was still feeling some type of way about him not saying anything to me all day because I hadn't done anything to him to make him act this way. He had no problem saying anything to everyone else today but every time I spoke, he didn't say anything. He didn't even bother to look my way.

Perhaps it's because of Tiana coming back into his life with her insecurity and jealousy.

"Donald?" I call out his name and he looks up at me, connecting his eyes with mine. "What do you want to drink?" Unintentionally, I had asked the question with a bland tone but I didn't feel bad about it. If he wanted to be an asshole, I could too. "Water," He responds in the same tone as me.

 "Water," He responds in the same tone as me

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A Girl Like You // D. Swing [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now