Chapter 4

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Jay hummed a tune to herself while she stuffed her Chemistry and Civics books into her locker in exchange for her literature book as well as the notebook that was specified for that class. In the midst of her doing so, someone stood by her and cleared their throat. She looked over and seen Hakeem standing there with a smirk on his face. "Oh, hey. Harold, right?" She asked as if she couldn't remember his name. He lightly chuckled, "It's Hakeem, sweetheart. I see you didn't call last night," He said and she lightly chuckled.

"I know and I'm sorry, I had intentions on doing so but your number faded and I hadn't written it down on paper," She explained and he nodded, indicating that he understood. "It's cool. But, If I give it to you on paper this time, will you use it? At least once?" He flashed his charming, boyish and it made her blush.

"I won't make any promises but I'll do what I can," She said and he smiled. "Mind if I borrow a sticky note and a pen?" She reached into my locker and grabbed the two items before handing them to him. He quickly jotted his number down on the small piece of paper and handed it to her. "Talk to you later?" He asked and she shrugged, "We'll see," She smirked and closed her locker before heading towards her class. When she arrived, she went and sat down in the seat that had been assigned to her a day prior. She pulled out her notebook and got prepared for the lesson her teacher would be teaching.

Soon enough, the rest of the students piled into the classroom and the final bell had finally rung. Mrs. Thomas stood up and took attendance before walking over to her board and grabbing the piece of white chalk that sat on the metal holder that was attached to the bottom of the board. She quickly wrote the word 'Poetry' on the board and turned around to face the class. "What are the main elements of poetry? Does anyone know?" She asked the entire class and nobody bothered to raise their hands or blurt out the answers.

"Ms. Harris, do you have an idea of what the main elements of Poetry are?" Mrs. Thomas asked a light-skinned girl with long, wild curly hair, whose name was Denise. Denise looked up from her drawing pad, dumbfounded. "H-huh?" She asked in confusion, with furrowed eyebrows. "Do you know the main elements of Poetry?" Mrs. Thomas repeated her question and Denise tapped her pencil on her notepad and she bit her lip in a thinking manner.

"Uh, I know one of them is Structure," She said and Mrs. Thomas nodded her head in approval, going over to the board to write it down, along with the other answers. For the rest of the class, Mrs. Thomas educated them on different types of poetry and she even read a few poems by well-known Authors and Poets, like Langston Hughes and Maya Angelou.

"Okay, you guys' assignment for tonight is to write a poem. It doesn't have to rhyme but made sure it makes sense, please? The assignment will be due at the beginning of class tomorrow," She said and Jay sighed to herself. She'd only been in school for three days and she couldn't seem to catch a break when I came to homework between the five classes she had.

The bell had rung and Jay put her books in her backpack before making her way out the door. "Hey, wait up!" She stopped in her tracks and seen Denise walking towards her. "Hi, I'm Denise," She introduced herself, extending her hand so Jay could shake it. Jay smiled and shook her hand, "My name is Journey but you can just call me Jay," She said and Denise nodded her head. The two began to walk down the hallway together. "Is this your first day?" Jay asked her and Denise shook her head.

"Oh, no. I've been here since my family moved from Brooklyn last year. I just wasn't here the first two days of the week because I had gone to Brooklyn to visit my grandmother during Spring break and I had to take the bus and on our way back, the bus broke down so we were delayed for almost a whole entire day!" Denise explained to Jay as they made their way to the cafeteria. "Are you getting something to eat?" Denise asked Jay and Jay shook her head,

A Girl Like You // D. Swing [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now