Chapter 11

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Journey Hayes-
Two weeks later:

"I'm surprised you actually agreed to go out with me," He says and I furrow my eyebrows while drinking my milkshake. "Why wouldn't I?" I ask and he shrugs. "I don't know, I just thought you wasn't feeling ya' boy like that, seeing that you ain't been talking to me like that and all," I smack my lips and rolled my eyes playfully, which causes him to laugh.

After talking and hanging around at school for these past few weeks, Hakeem had finally asked to take me on a date and I was more than happy to attend. I was feeling him a lot and his actions had let me know that he felt the same way.

"I told you, Hakeem, I've been busy. Between work and school, I haven't had time to do anything. I haven't even been hanging out with my friends," I explain to him and he nods with a smile on his face. "I understand, shorty. I was just jokin' but I am flattered that you were able to pencil me into that busy schedule of yours," He says and I laughed.

"You should because that doesn't happen too often these days," I joke and he chuckles lightly before reaching over the table and grabbing my hand. "You know your ice cream is melting," I say and he nods. "If you know then why don't you eat it?" I ask, confused. He chuckles and swiftly allows his tongue to swipe across his lips.

"This ice cream is a representation of how I feel on the inside when I see you," He says and I laugh, shaking my head. "You're so corny, it's cute." I continued laughing while I feel myself on the verge of blushing. "You like it though," He says and I roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I guess you're right," He smiles to himself and he runs his thumb over the back of my hand in a soothing manner. "So, wassup?" He asks and I furrow my eyebrows.

"What you mean?"

"Like, wit' me and you. I mean, it's obvious you feeling me and I'm definitely feeling you, so, like, what we gon' do about that?" He asks and I shrug as butterflies invade my stomach. "I don't know," All of a sudden, I had became shy and I started to feel nervous and I know he could tell because my hands were becoming sweaty and clammy.

"I know what we should do about that," He says and I raise and eyebrow, grabbing my milkshake off of the table and taking a sip of it. "Oh yeah? What would that be?"

"I think you should be my girlfriend." Think?

"You think I should be ya' girl or you know I should be ya' girl?" I question, staring right in his eyes and he does the same thing. "I know you should be my girlfriend." I chuckle and remove my straw from my mouth. "Well, if that's the case, then why don't you ask?"

He chuckles and reaches for my other hand, which is still occupied by my milkshake. "Gimme your other hand," He demands in a soft yet stern tone. I set my cup down on the table and placed my cold palm into his hand. He clears his throat and says,

"Journey, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks and a smile forms on my face and my cheeks heat up. "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend, Hakeem." His eyes lit up and a wide smile found its way on to his face.

"Come here," The both of us leaned across the table and for the first time, our lips collided and when I tell you his lips felt like heaven...sheesh.

He pecks my lips multiple times before I sit back down. "Damn, you don't know how long I've been waiting to do that," He says and I laugh. "Well, you finally got the chance to do so, whenever you please."

"Whenever I please?" I nod my head in confirmation and all he does is smile. For the next 45 minutes or so, the two of us sat at the table conversing about nothing in particular until the both of us notice the sun is going down and I had to get back home.

A Girl Like You // D. Swing [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now