Chapter 10

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Journey Hayes-

"Wassup Jay?" Dalvin says as he and Cedric walk into class and sit down in their seat. Dalvin thought he was slick by calling me last night and putting Donald on the phone. "Nigga, don't 'wassup' me. You thought you were slick trying to pull that little stunt you pulled last night," I playfully mean mug him and he kisses his teeth. "I don't know what you're talking 'bout. I told you I was stepping up and being a better fri-" I cut him off.

"Nigga, you called me just so De could talk to me. I don't know why he didn't just call," I said, shaking my head while I pulled my books out of my book bag. It didn't make any sense why he'd put Dalvin up to do something when he could've done it himself.


"He thought that since he was ignoring you all day then you wouldn't want to talk him," Dalvin says, adjusting the snapback that he had placed on his almond-shaped head. I smacked my lips and rolled my eyes before responding,

"That wouldn't have made a difference anyway since his girl prohibited him from talking to me," I respond and he laughed. "That nigga whipped and he doesn't even know it. She got that nigga wrapped around her finger," He says shaking his head. I couldn't even protest because he was being honest but it wasn't my place to say anything. Donald's gonna do what he wants to do, even though he's been warned and he knows Tiana ain't shit.

But, if he hits that brick wall, who's gonna feel it? Exactly. Dumbo.

Cedric shook his head and chuckled, "No comment. But, Jay, what you got goin' on for Easter?" Cedric asked, tapping his fingers against the back of his chair. "My Dad is supposed to be taking us to some church that our Aunt attends. Y'all niggas had plans for Easter?" I asked, resting my chin on the palm of my hand.

"Well, our parents both have churches so we were going to attend Church, of course. Then afterward, both of our families, along with whoever comes from the church, we're gonna go to the park, that's by the cafe and have a barbeque and there's gonna be an easter egg hunt for the kids and shit," Cedric said and Dalvin nodded.

"Yeah, it's gonna be fun. You should come. You can bring your Dad and don't you have a younger brother?" I nodded. "Yeah, I'll talk to him about it," I said.

After class, the three of us walked the halls, per usual towards my locker. Cedric and Dalvin both told the story of how one of our classmates had offered to have sex with them both. I guess the benefit to having male friends is that they have gossip of their own and they give you the rundown on Male logic.

"...So basically shorty wanted me to wax that a-" I cut Cedric off, instantly.

"Please. Do not proceed with any further details." I put my combination in to my locker and opened it, proceeding to put my books inside and exchanging them for the ones I would need for my Civics and English class. In the midst of me getting my supplies, I heard Donald's deep, nasally voice from behind me as he conversed with the guys.

After making sure I had everything, I closed my locker and turned around to face the three of them. Donald looked at me and his facial expression softened a bit and he looked away. Cedric and Dalvin looked between the both of us, as if they were expecting one of us to say something to each other.

I don't have anything to say, so if they're expecting me to say anything to this punk, they can hold their breaths.

"Wassup Ja-" Donald was quickly cut off when Hakeem approached us. "Wassup, Shorty? You ready to go?" Last night during our previous conversation, Hakeem had agreed to walk me to class whenever we saw each other in the hallway. I smiled to myself, "Hey, Hakeem. And yeah, come on. I'll see you guys during lunch, yeah?" I asked.

A Girl Like You // D. Swing [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now