Chapter 4

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Journey Hayes

I exit the bathroom and I look far ahead and seen Denise standing there with the guys and although De wasn't turned around, I recognized him from behind and that caused butterflies to swarm in my stomach. I felt myself becoming more and more nervous as I walked closer and closer to them.

God, give me the strength.

"Oh, shit!" Dalvin says loudly, causing everyone to turn around, causing me to laugh. "Hey, Dal!" I pulled him into a hug. I seriously missed Dalvin so much and it was good to see him again. He had definitely grown up and he was quite handsome but not as handsome as the other DeGrate, who looked magnificent by the way. He had grown his hair out a bit and he had the tips of his hair dyed blonde and his luminous skin had gotten a nice tan and I was internally drooling at his ass.


"When you get here?" Cedric asks. "I just got here this morning. I only told Denise because I wanted to surprise y'all, so...surprise!" I laugh while pushing my hair behind my ear. I felt a pair of eyes boring into me so I turned around and I saw De staring at me, causing my palms to sweat and I felt myself becoming even more nervous. I wave at him and he responds with a head nod.

Yeah, he most definitely wasn't fucking with me.

"Y'all ready to play or what?" JoJo asks. "Hell yeah!" Cedric's overly loud ass says.

Denise hands me my shoes and I sit a few seats down from Donald and I kick off my sneakers and put my bowling shoes on. "Journey, you're up first," Denise says and I stand up, grabbing the proper ball that my fingers would inside of before walking closer to the lane. I extended my arm back and brought it forward, released it, watching as it rolled down the lane. It knocked down seven of the ten pins and I turned around and walked back over to the ball return to retrieve my ball. "Y'all ready to get y'all asses kicked?"

"Girl, shut up and roll the damn ball," JoJo says and I roll my eyes playfully before rolling the ball down the lane again, only for it to merge into the gutter. "Aha! Talking all that shit and look at you! Straight gutter balls! You are garbage." Cedric says as I walk back to my seat, pouting.

"Forget you, Renard!" He chuckles and grabs his ball, rolling it down the lane and making it hit all ten pins. "What y'all got to say now?" De smacks his lips. "Nigga, you still ass! Now, watch out." He stands up and goes over to the ball return and he grabs his ball before rolling it down the lane, only for it to merge right into the gutter.

"You bout as bad as ya' girl over there." Dalvin points to me and I flipped him off and De's face went straight. "Don't compare me to- you know what..." He says and I purse my lips, furrowing my eyebrows.

This is exactly what I didn't want to happen but I should've known I had it coming but it's alright, I guess.

He grabs his ball again and he rolls it down the lane and it knocks down six pins and he turns around and walks back to his seat without saying another word.

Eventually, our game comes to an end and Cedric and Denise end up winning, since they were tied, Dalvin came in second place, Donald in third (Surprisingly), and both me and Joel in last since we were tied up as well. "Welp, I had fun guys but it is time for me to return home and get some rest. I've had a long day." I say as we all walk outside towards our cars. "Aww! But we were all about to go out and grab something to eat." Denise pouts and I poke my bottom lip out.

"That sounds cool and all but I've been up since five this morning and It's-" I grab her wrist and look at the time on her watch, "-It's eleven o'clock. Ya girl needs her rest." I say, crossing my arms over my arms to keep myself warm since a chilly draft had come through.

A Girl Like You // D. Swing [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now