Chapter 8

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Journey Hayes-

"Wow, you really called me this time. Damn, must be a cold night in hell," He says through the phone and I playfully roll my eyes at his sarcastic statement. After being reacquainted with Hakeem, he gave me his number at the party once again and I finally decided to call him. "Oh, whatever," I say and he laughs, as do I.

"I'm just playing, but how was your day?" He asks and I find myself laying down and lifting my legs up in the air, resting my feet on the wall in front of me. "Uh, it was kind of stressful due to work because the Zone is always packed. But, it was pretty good, nevertheless. How about you? What'd you do today?" I asked him and he released a deep sigh before speaking, "Work was a drag and it was tiring as hell but I got through it, thankfully. But, my day is definitely a lot better since you decided to call, finally." A small smile found it's way on my face and I softly chuckled.

"Aw, that's sweet of you," That was cute, I'll give him that. "But, where do you work?" I asked him while playing with the ends of my hair. "I-I-uh- work at my Dad's auto shop," He finally spat out and I twisted my lips to the side.

Hm, I'll let it slide.

"Oh, okay," I said and he kept the conversation going. "So, what are your plans after high school?" He asked and I sighed heavily. "I know for sure I'll be attending college, I don't exactly know what for, but I'll be there," I say. There was a numerous amount of things I could go to college for but what? Nothing really sparked my interest at this moment but I wasn't going to stress myself over it. I still had a few months before making any decisions so I wasn't going to even stress myself out about something so unnecessary at the moment.

"What college you wanna go to?" He asks and I'm caught off guard because I don't have an exact answer to that question, either. I was indecisive and conflicted about everything at the moment and I hadn't put much thought into anything pertaining to college. My main focus at this point was trying to graduate. The rest of that shit can come later on, to be honest.

"I'm not sure. I'm trying to figure out if I'm going to stay out here or back to Georgia, so I don't have an exact answer at this time," I said. He began to speak, but my phone clicked, informing me someone was on the other end. I pulled the phone away from my ear and I looked and seen Denise was calling me.

If it's important, she'll call twice.

"...I don't even plan on going to college, to be honest. The shit is pointless to me and besides I already have a guaranteed job," He says and I bit the inside of my cheek, just listening to him speak. "What's the point of going to college just to get a degree and work at someone else's business when you can just start your own without having to waste all that time and money going to college?"

"I would have to agree to disagree. Yeah, you don't necessarily have to go to college to run your own business. But, you can't learn the ins and outs of running a business without the proper knowledge to do so," I say and he kisses his teeth,

"School just ain't for me, period. I'm just trying to get my diploma and be out," He says. I shrug and listened to him as he continued ranting on about how school was basically jail and how teachers don't actually care about their students and only care about a paycheck. Once again, I had to intervene with my opinion about his statement. "Mmm, I see where you're coming from but I would have to disagree because some teachers actually care about their students, their learning, and well-being," I said and this time, he scoffs.

"Yeah, maybe a few teachers but that's it," I chuckle to myself. "You got any hobbies?" I asked him, rolling over and lying on my stomach, swinging my feet back and forth in the air. "Uh, I play ball and shit," he says. "What about you? What do you like to do?" He asks and I squint my eyes and twist my lips to the side.

A Girl Like You // D. Swing [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now