Chapter 17

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Journey Hayes

Although Tiana and I had fought, that still didn't stop the party from going on but I knew people were going to be talking on Monday. Too much had happened tonight and it had me angry and confused about my feelings.

I knew Donald liked me but I never thought it was to the point where'd he'd be calling out my name while he was getting busy with his girlfriend.

Is it bad that I'm kind of flattered, in a way?

Hakeem turns his head and he looks over at me but I keep my gaze straight ahead. The wind was starting to pick up and I wrapped my arms around myself in hopes to warm myself up but that didn't do any good. "You fucking with him?" Hakeem asks and I look over at him.

"What are you talking about?" I say and he scoffs, shaking his head and letting out a bitter chuckle.

This wasn't gonna go well. . .

"Journey, you know what I'm talking about. Stop acting dumb. Are you fucking with this nigga or not?" He asks once again and I turn to face him. I couldn't exactly determine what his gaze meant but I knew for certain he wasn't happy. "No, I'm not fucking with him. I'm with you, Hakeem. What business would I have messing around with Donald?" I asked, trying not to open my mouth too wide because my fucking jaw was on ten.

That bitch got some strength behind those Gorilla hands.

"What business do you have dancing with this nigga? What business would he have callin' out your name while he's fucking his girl?" He angrily raises his voice and he stands up and begins pacing. I understand why he would be pissed about Donald calling out my name because, to be honest, I'd be pissed if another girl called out his name while sexing her boyfriend. But if they knew what I knew, Hakeem would be the last dude worth fantasizing about.

Just sayin'...

Besides, He shouldn't even be mad about me and Donald dancing because he's the one that stood me up and quite frankly if it wasn't for Donald I wouldn't have enjoyed my night as much as I did.

"Yo, you're trippin' right now. I understand why you're mad about him calling my name or whatever but you shouldn't be mad about the dance because if I'm not mistaken, you're the one who stood me up." I stood up and he looked at me enraged and he walks over to me, getting in my face.

"I don't care what I did! You don't dance or mess around with other niggas, especially ones that you already know like you!" He snaps and I just stared into his enraged eyes. "I have no control over Donald liking me and don't try and flip this on me and get mad at me because I'm mad at you! You're the one who asked me to be your date then you had the nerve to stand me up! What the hell are you out here?" I ask, crossing my arms and he scoffs and scratches his head and I could he was becoming more and more agitated.

He was definitely on some controlling, narcissistic shit and honestly, I was tired of playing games with him. It was always something when it came to him and at this point, I'm over it.

"You know what? I can't do this anymore," I say and he looks at me confused with his eyes squinted. "You can't do what anymore?" Now he wants to act stupid.

"This relationship! The constant lies, sneaking, insecurity, and lack of communication is getting old and I can't keep doing this. Besides, I have too much to focus on right now and this extra stress really isn't needed," I say and he nods.

"I'm not gon' beg you to stick around. So, fine. We're done." I bite the inside of my cheek and nodded my head before pushing past him and going back inside the house to find Denise so we could go. I walked further into the house and I saw her in the kitchen with Cedric, Joel, and Dalvin.

A Girl Like You // D. Swing [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now