Chapter 12

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Journey Hayes

"You don't look happy." Donald says watching me through my mirror as I put my jewelry on. Today was the day of my going away party and to say I was unhappy about it would be an understatement. I appreciated Dad's effort of putting this whole thing together, but honestly all it did was depress me even more and make it harder for me to leave.

"Because I'm not. I'm grateful but it's depressing because I don't wanna go." I walked over to him and took a seat in his lap, wrapping my arm around his neck.

I stared down at the ground as my eyes welled up with tears and he kissed my cheek softly and he reached under my dress slightly to caress my thigh soothingly.

"Don't cry, baby girl. Everything is gonna be fine. You'll only be gone for a few months and before you know it, you'll be back and everything will start off from where we left it. You got this, mama." He says, wrapping his arm around me and holding me close to him while using the other hand to wipe my tears.

"Alright?" I nodded and wiped my face carefully so I wouldn't mess up my makeup. He pressed two kisses to my cheek and tapped my thigh, "Alright. Turn that frown upside down and let's go party." He started doing some dumb ass dance and I laughed and stood up while shaking my head.

"You're a mess."

"I only do it to make you smile, pretty face." He stood in front of me and cupped my chin and softly kissed my lips. After the quick peck he pulled away but I grabbed his face and pulled him closer to me and resumed our kiss.

I wanted to savor each and every moment with him because I knew my moments with him is what I'd miss the most. "Girl, you finna get some shit started." He mumbles against my
lips and I smiled as our lips moved in sync.

His hands rested at my sides and he held me close to him as our kiss got more and more intense. I started to step forward, which in turn made him walk backwards until he fell onto the bed. I straddled his lap and my dress rose up, which gave him the leverage to rub and squeeze my backside and my thighs.

Just as we started to really get into it, three knocks at my door interrupted us and I rolled my eyes, pulling away from our kiss. "Yes?" I responded while Don's slick ass continued to kiss my neck and chest. "JJ, you ready yet? I got somebody I want you to meet."

I sighed, "I'm almost ready! I'm finishing up my hair." I respond, struggling to push Donald away as he started to suck on my neck. "Mhm. Where's Donald?" He had that suspicious tone in his voice and that in itself caused me to chuckle.

"He's right here."

"Y'all must wanna get choke slammed. Get yo ass out here before I grab my belt." He says and I hear him walk away. Donald pulls away and he started to laugh, "You finna get yo ass whooped," He chuckled out then took a quick pause, "And you gotta change cause I left you a few surprises." He says and I smacked my lips, hitting his shoulder. I hurriedly went to my closet and I went ahead and slid into a cropped T-shirt, a pair of Levi's, and some sandals.

"Donald, ima beat you." He smacks my ass and kissed my cheek. "Not as bad as I wanna beat you." We both got quiet and I squinted my eyes in confusion and he looked at me widened eyes, "I didn't mean like beat you beat you, but like, y'know what I'm sayin'?"

"No I don't but alright." I quickly fixed my hair and touched up my makeup before making my way out of the bedroom. I stepped into the backyard where everyone and their damn mothers were.

Denise, Joel, Dalvin and Cedric all sat at a table playing spades, Brenda sat at another table with a bunch of old folks from God knows where, and then there were a few of my Dad's work friends; and lastly, I spotted my Dad over by the grill flirting with some y'all, light skin woman with a head full of voluminous curls.

A Girl Like You // D. Swing [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now