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Dean was pissed off. He was mad at Corey and mad at Becky. But more at Becky. Corey doesn't even wrestle anymore. Why would she do this? Why would she lie to people? He heard the excuses that she made. There was the excuse for 'her being in the ring and they hit her too hard' or 'she accidentally knocked herself down'. The boiling blood in Dean stopped when he heard soft snores. He looked down to see Mason sleeping on him. All the crying and fear inside him made him tired.

Dean picked Mason up and they made way to the front door. He knocked on the door and waited. He waited for about 15 seconds until Becky opened the door. She smiled at him, but Dean didn't smile back. "Hi," Becky says. "Hi. Where's his room? He knocked out on the way," Dean asks. "Up the stairs, first room on the left." She says, opening the door wider.

Dean walked into the house to see that the house was the same before he left. The walls were still painted the same color. The couch and other pieces of furniture were also left the same. The only difference was the pictures. Pictures of him and Becky were replaced by pictures of Mason and Becky.

Dean walked up the stairs and opened Mason's door. The walls were dark blue and were wrestling themed. There were posters of WWE superstars and the 'Dean Ambrose' poster was above his bed. Dean smiled as he put his son in his bed.  He put the covers over him and kissed his forehead. 'Why can't you be my daddy?' kept ringing over and over again in his head. He shakes his head slightly, getting that image out of his head.

He walks down the stairs to see Becky in the kitchen. "We need to talk," Dean firmly says. Becky looks at him, confused. "About?" Dean walks up to her and lifts her sleeve up. He sees her arm redder than the rest of her body. "What's this?" He asks her. Becky has fear in her eyes.

"I-uhh, it was from last night's match," she stutters. He goes down to her wrist and squeezes it. "Jon, stop. You're hurting me," she whimpers. "Rebecca, tell me the truth. What the hell is that?" He continues to squeeze her wrist. "I-I told you already," she whimpers, trying to release Dean's hand off of her.

"How did you find out?" "Do you know what our son told me? He said he's scared. He's scared to come home because he fears that Corey's gonna scream at him and hit you. He asked me why I can't be his father. Do you know how much that hurts me, hearing that come out of my own son's mouth?" Dean glares, squeezing Becky's wrist harder.

"Dean, stop. You're really hurting me." Becky cries. Dean lets go as Becky cries harder. "Why didn't you tell anyone this?" He yells. "Corey told me not to. He said if I did, he would kill Mason and me," Becky cries. "I couldn't risk losing him." "You're making yourself seem weak. You're a fucking wrestler for goddamn sake! Corey doesn't even wrestle anymore," he continues to yell. "How can I protect myself when he's bigger than me?" She yells.

"I'm telling Hunter. I don't care what you do or say. I'm not putting my son or his mother in danger by some retired wrestler," Dean says making his way to the door. "Do you think he'll listen to you? You broke everyone's trust. He's not gonna take you seriously." Becky yells back. "Well, then I'll find someone who he will," he yells back.

"If you do Jonathan, I swear to god, you can kiss Mason goodbye," Becky threatens. He turns around to face Becky. He looks to the left to see Mason at the top of the stairs, with fear in his eyes. He walks back in the house and walks up the stairs. He walks into Mason's room and looks around until he finds a duffle bag. He puts some of Mason's clothes and shoes in the bag and closes it. He walks out of the room and carries Mason down the stairs.

"Where are you taking my son?" Becky asks. "I'm taking my son to his real home, where his real father is. When you're ready to tell your boss and everyone you've lied to what really goes on at home, I'll consider bringing him back," Dean says, walking out the house.

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