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Detective Harbs and Detective Stevens made Mason sit down in front of them. There were toys and coloring books with crayons on the table in front of him, but he didn't touch any of them.

"Am I in trouble?" Mason innocently asks. Harbs smiles. "No, buddy. I'm just going to ask you some questions. I did the same thing with your mommy. Is that OK?" Harbs asks. Mason shakes his head.

"Do you want me to go get your daddy?" Harbs asks him. Mason nods his head as she gets up from her seat. 2 minutes later, Harbs came back in the room with Dean.

"What's wrong buddy?" Dean whispers to him. "Daddy, I'm scared," Mason whispers back. "Why?" "They're gonna take me away from you and mommy. They're gonna take me to jail, but I didn't do anything wrong," Mason says as tears roll down his cheek.

"No, Mas. Don't cry. They're not gonna take you anywhere. Mommy and I aren't going to let them. They're just gonna ask you some questions about what Corey does to you and mommy, OK? All you have to do is tell them the truth," Dean explains to Mason as he wipes the tears away from his eyes. Mason nods. "Can you stay here?" Mason asks, wrapping his hand around Dean's pointer finger. Dean nods as he sits down and puts Mason on his lap.

"You ready, Mas?" Harbs asks. Mason nods. "So, how old are you?" Mason sticks up three fingers. "I'm going to be four tomorrow," Mason explains. "Do you go to school?" Harbs asks him. Mason nods again. "Who takes you?" "Sometimes, my nanny Carla takes me and my cousins. Or my aunts and uncles take me to school. And sometimes mommy and daddy take me to school," he explains.

"Does Matthew take you," Harbs asks, getting a confused look from Mason. "Who's Matthew, daddy?" Mason whispers as he looks at his dad. "She's talking about Corey," Dean tells him. "Mind if I ask who Corey is?" Harbs asks, getting Dean's attention. "Corey's Matthew Polinsky. Rebecca, Matthew, all those people that came and visited her, and I work for a company called WWE, I'm sure you heard of it. We go by stage names instead of our actual names. So, Matthew's stage name is Corey Graves," Dean explains to her.

"Oh, OK. So Mason, does Corey take you to school?" Harbs asks, finally understanding. Mason shakes his head. "Mommy doesn't let him take me to school or anywhere. She said that she's scared that he's going to do something to me," Mason says. "Does Corey hit you or does things to you that you don't like?" Mason shakes his head. "He only yells at me. But, he hits mommy and calls her bad names. That's why she's in this scary place," Mason frowns.

Harbs nods. "Well, I guess our time here is done. Thank you, Mason. You did a very good job," Harbs smiles at Mason. "What do you say?" Dean whispers to him. "Thank you," Mason smiles back. "No problem. Happy birthday, Mas," She says giving him a high-five. "Thank you," he answers, getting off of Dean's lap. Mason makes his way out the door but turns around.

"Wait. Are you Gabby and Izzy's mommy?" He asks. Harbs smiles and nods. "I'll tell them you said hi, OK?" Mason nods and waits for Dean. "I gave Rebecca my card, so if the two of you need anything, feel free to call me," Harbs says. Dean nods. "Thank you," he says, giving both of them a handshake. "No problem," Harbs says.

Mason and Dean walk back to Becky room. When they get there, everyone was gone. Becky was on her phone. She looked up and smiled. "Hey, guys." "Hi, mommy," Mason says, walking up to Becky's bed. "Where did everyone go?" Dean asks, helping Mason up on Becky's bed and sitting next to the head of her bed. "Sasha, Bayley, Seth, Roman, Finn, and Cass left because they had to go get ready for their Live Event tomorrow. The rest left because they had a meeting with Shane and Bryan," Becky explains.

"Do you think it's about us?" She asks. "Probably. You're going to be out for half of the year. And I'm probably gonna be out for about 2-3 months," Dean tells her. Becky shakes her head. "No, Jon. I can't let you do that. You're the champion," Becky says. "Not after Saturday. I talked to Bryan today. He said it was OK for me to stay home," Dean smiles.

Becky smiles back and reaches over to give him a hug. "Thank you." Dean hugs back and kisses her forehead. "No problem."

Edited: 7/24/18

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