T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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This chapter will answer all your questions about Makenna. I'm going to start with the baby shower part, which was Chapter 3, so everything will make sense.

Becky was getting ready for some special event that no one would tell her about. She didn't really want to go, considering the condition she was in. 9 months pregnant, with a boy. That's right. Becky Lynch is going to have Dean Ambrose's son.

"Can you guys just tell me where we're going? I'm in so much pain, I'm so fucking tired, and don't really feel like partying," Becky wines. "C'mon, Becks. It's only 7:30 PM," Charlotte says. "Who's having a party at 7:30 PM? Sounds so strange anyone in WWE would have a party at that time," Becky says, struggling to put on her boots. "Just do for us. It's this award ceremony that Hunter and Vince decided to have last minute," Sasha smiles, as she helps Becky. She huffs, blowing the hair in her face out face. "Fine."

When they got in the car, Alexa volunteered to drive, since no one knew where it was. The drive was about 30 minutes, which got Becky even more cranky.

"We're here!" Alexa smiles as she parks the car in the parking lot. Becky sighed as she got out of the car. "How long do we have to be here?" She asks, looking down at her phone. "Only for an hour, then we'll leave," Bayley says. They walk in the hall where the 'award ceremony' would be held. They got there and they stopped at a closed door.

"Wait here," Alexa says as the girls open the door and close it. "Your hour started a while ago, you're down to 45," Becky sighs. Carmella came through the doors. "Hey, bestie! How's my son doing?" She smiles, giving Becky a hug. "He's making me feel like shit," Becky chuckles. "What's this award ceremony that the girls keep talking about?" She raises an eyebrow.

"What? What awa-- Ohhhh! Yeah, you didn't hear? It was all on Twitter last night." Carmella says. "No, because apparently, the girls took my phone and blocked all social media from my phone. I didn't even feel like touching it." She rolls her eyes, letting Mella see her phone. "Welp..." She starts. "Anyway, let's go inside."

The girls walk in the hall with all the lights off. "What the hell?" Becky says. "Just stand right....here," Mella says directing her to a random spot. "Mella, I don't trust you. Don't kill me," Becky says, crossing her arms over her chest.

Becky waited for about a couple seconds. Then the lights turned on and everyone yelled: 'SURPRISE!'. She jumped a bit, dropping her phone on the floor. "Shit. I hate when you guys do that," She smiled. She looked around the hall and realized: This wasn't an award ceremony. It was her baby shower! She saw everyone in WWE, including people from NXT. She started crying as her friends came over to her.

"Did we getcha?" Sasha smiles, imitating her Irish accent. Becky nods while everyone comes and gives her hugs.

A N  H O U R  L A T E R

All the guest were having a fun time as Becky was standing in the front of the room looking through all the gifts that the guests gave her. Well, more for her son.

"Aww! Look at what Adrienne(Ember Moon) gave me," Becky says, opening the bag. She opened it to show a onesie that says: My Mom is my Favorite Wrestler. It was orange with fire flames on it. "Aww! That's so cute!" Bayley smiles. Becky felt something come from her stomach. She felt pain, but not extreme pain. She felt her bladder become heavy. "I'll be back. I have to go pee," She says, standing up from her seat. She walked out of the hall.

As she walked, more pain kept coming. She started holding her stomach, almost limping to the bathroom. Eventually, she couldn't even walk anymore. She kneeled down on the floor, holding her stomach. She started to tear up, as she took her semi-cracked phone from her pocket.

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