T H I R T Y - T W O

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"What's your plan, dude?" 

Finn asks his best friend. Dean requested a week off from work to focus on finding Makenna. Shane and Daniel didn't mind at all. 'Family comes first,' Shane told him.

Daniel sent him the text message where AJ's 'secret hideout'. It was an abandoned warehouse. Finn, AJ, Seth, and Roman decided to help out since Dean couldn't go alone.

"I'll go first. If they are being bitches, then I'll call for backup, which is you guys," Dean explains in the car. "Whatever you do, do not call the cops." "What the hell is wrong with you? What if they have a gun at you or her?" Seth says. 

"Then I'll do something. Just whatever you do, don't call the cops. Have you not seen movies? The stupid idiot calls the cops and then his ass gets killed." He says. He shakes his head. "Stupid idiots." The guys chuckle.

"I'll be back." He says opening the car door. "Besides, I got this bad boy on my side," he smirks taking a pistol out of pocket and twirling it in his hands. "You're definitely a lunatic," Roman chuckles. "Now, you know where Mason gets it from," AJ smiles. Dean chuckles.

Dean breathes in. "Wish me luck," he says getting out the car. He puts the gun in his back pocket and walks toward one of the doors of the warehouse. He looks up at the top and then at the door.

He walks in, only to receive a huge wad of dust hit his face. He coughed for a bit but continued. The warehouse definitely looked burned down. The outside looked stable, but the inside wasn't. The wood on the walls was burned, the floor was made of carpet, and there were blood stains on them. Well, it looked like it.

Dean shakes his head to prevent the tears. This is not how a child is supposed to live their life. Kept in a dark room, isolated from everyone.

"Well, well, well," he hears. He turns around real fast to see AJ with his daughter. "Look Makenna. Your daddy decided to join the party," she laughs. 

Makenna definitely looked like Becky. She looked a little like Mason as well. Her hair was pretty long, for a four-year-old. She was wearing a regular white t-shirt, black leggings, and some shoes. She had tear stains on her eyes and looked scared as she looked at Dean. This was exactly how Becky looked at Dean when he found out what Corey did to her. 

"Why are you doing this, April? What has she done? She's only four," Dean says, pointing at his daughter.

"Rebecca always got whatever she wanted," AJ says. "She got more money, she got all the fans, all signs. She even got you. I needed to get her back," she frowns. "So," she smirks, "What was better than taking her own flesh and blood?" 

F O U R  Y E A R S  A G O 
D E C E M B E R  7 TH

Dr. Wood successfully finished the surgery on Makenna Leslie Good. She was getting ready to leave with the doctor to go see her mommy and her brother with Dr. Wood until he was stopped. He has pulled aside from Corey and AJ. 

Corey holds up a big stack of cash in the doctors face. Dr. Wood's eyes widen. He was about to grab the money when Corey pulled it back as fast as he pulled it out.

"Give us the baby," AJ says. Dr. Wood shakes his head. "I can't do that." Corey pulls out a gun from his pocket and points it at the doctor's head. "She said give us the damn baby," his voice rises. 

"Easy there, babe," AJ smiles, pulling his hand down. "Give us the baby, and we'll give you the money. Simple as that," AJ says. "Well, what am I supposed to tell her mother?" He asks.

"Tell her she died or something, I don't know. Just give her the baby," Corey says. Dr. Wood contemplates for a minute but agrees. He gives Makenna to AJ and Corey gives Dr. Wood the big stack of money.

Before Dean could say anything, he felt him being in a headlock and something on the side of his head.

"Took you long enough," he heard. "Cut the chase. Give me Makenna," Dean struggled to say. "You know my name?" Makenna whispers. AJ slaps the back of her head. "No one asked you to talk," she growled. 

"You got two options, Ambrose," Corey laughs. "She goes, or you go. Your choice," AJ says sticking out a gun and pointing it at Makenna's head. "Daddy, I'm scared," Makenna whispers as tears roll down her face. "You'll be fine, princess. I promise." 

820 words


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