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Hello beautiful people. I know you were hoping for a chapter, but I really need someone to talk to. I'm really confused about something. I already talked to wwecity about it, but it got worse. Don't worry, I'm not going hiatus on the book, but I just wanted to talk to people for advice.

So, when I first got to the school, my guidance counselor gave me some names of people to talk to if I needed anything. One of the names was Pricilla Hernandez. Pricilla was very nice and she was kind of in the same situation as me because she also moved from New York to Connecticut, so we had the same mindset.

So, Pricilla's in all my classes(except electives) and one of the girls in my History class asked if I wanted to sit with them during lunch. I obviously said yes because I didn't have anyone else to sit with. When I sat with the girls, they kept talking about a girl at the table's birthday, and I felt excluded. Pricilla asked if I wanted to sit with her and her friends, and I accepted.

I met Pricilla's friends and they were really nice. There was Sara, Amanda, Ana, Taina, and Lindsey. Lindsey was really nice to me. But, Pricilla told me to not get too close to Lindsey because she can be very arrogant and racist. I said OK, but I wanted to see it for myself, so I ignored what Pricilla and everyone else was saying about her.

So, about a week ago, Pricilla came up to me and said: "Do you know what Lindsey said to Taina and me?" I said what. She said: "Lindsey said because we're Hispanic and I live in an apartment, Taina and I are poor." I said Pricilla stop dragging it. She didn't really say that. Pricilla said: "Go ask her."

I went to Lindsey and asked her. Lindsey said: "Yeah. I did. So what?" That's when I realized that I should've listened to Pricilla and everyone else. So, I started to distance myself from Lindsey for a little bit because I knew that she would've ended up being a bad influence on me.

So, today, while we were about to go home, Lindsey said, and I quote: "Chelsea, be honest. Do you like me as a person?" I was confused because I didn't understand what that meant. I said no. She said what? I clarified. "I don't like you as a person," and walked away.

She kept calling me, but I kept ignoring her, and I know I was wrong for that, so I owned up to it. Then, we all got to go on our busses. Lindsey and I don't share a bus, but we walk to our busses together.

So, she said: "You were kidding, right?" I said: "No. I like you as a friend, but not as a person." She said: "What does that mean?" I told her that she's a very negative person and likes to shut people down. For example, a week ago, she said her mom was going through surgery on her shoulder and she was really down.

So, during lunch, we all kept trying to tell her to stay positive and not worry about her as much because we didn't want it to ruin the rest of her day. While we were all laughing and having fun, she said: "I'm really scared for my mom. What if she dies?"

I told her how she really didn't need to say that while we were all having fun and laughing because it kind of ruined the mood. And it's not like I'm saying it's wrong for her to care for her mom because everyone would react the same way in that situation, but she didn't have to say it at that moment.

All I'm just trying to figure out is what I did wrong. If I said something wrong or did something wrong because I don't want to deal with drama in a new school when it hasn't even been a full month.

The chapter for Switch Up will be up soon, so just hang in there loves!!

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