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Dean did keep his word. He stood by Becky's side through the whole ride in the ambulance. He wanted to break down so badly. Seeing her hurt brought heartbreak to him. Dean had to find a way to get out of the Live Event. As he was waiting for news about Becky, since she was in need of emergency surgery, he called Daniel Bryan.

"Hello?" He heard on the line. "Daniel," he sighed. "It's Dean." "Dean? Where the hell have you been?" He heard the general manager yell at him. "I know I should've called on Tuesday and said I wouldn't come to work, but I had a family emergency that I couldn't get out of. But I need to talk to you," Dean explains. "What is it?"

"You know the championship match that I have against Thomas on Saturday," Dean says, referring to Baron Corbin. "Yeah? What about it?" "I need to lose that match," Dean says. "What? Why?" Dean sighs. "Promise you won't tell anyone besides Shane. At least, not yet." "OK. What is it?" "Becky's in the hospital," Dean says. "What?" He hears Daniel yell again.

"She fell down the stairs. Mason called me. I need to lose the championship so I can stay with her," Dean explains. "But what about Corey? Didn't he come back from the conference?" Dean can hear the confusion in Bryan's voice. "That's why she's in the hospital. Bryan, Corey's been abusing Becky and Mason for the past 2 years. She told me that he slapped her and she fell down," Dean continues to explain.

"I need to tell Hunter about this," Daniel firmly says. "No. Daniel, please don't. I think I can handle this myself," Dean begs. "Jon, this is police worthy. You know how he and Shane get when it comes to men and women fighting," Daniel says. Dean knows it's true. Last time something like this happened, it was Alberto Del Rio and Alicia Foxx. Rio punched her in the face because he was mad at her. He spent 5 years in prison. Still is, to this day.

"OK, fine," Dean gives in. "Give Becky my good wishes," Bryan says. "I will. See you on Saturday," Dean answers before hanging up the phone. "Rebecca Quinn," he hears. "That's me," Dean mumbles. He stands up and walks towards the doctor. "Hi, I'm Dr. Marcus," the doctor says shaking Dean's hand. "I'm Jonathan, but most call me Dean," he returns the handshake. "Oh, you're Dean Ambrose, I believe?" Dr. Marcus smiles. "Yeah, that's me," Dean smiles.

"Well, the surgery on Rebecca went successfully. We were able to stop the bleeding inside and patch the broken ribs. But, she has a broken leg and will need rehab in about a month or so. She's asleep right now. When she wakes up, she probably won't remember what happened in the past few hours, so it's OK to remind her," Dr. Marcus explained to Dean as they walk to Becky's room. "Do you know when she'll be able to get back in the ring?" Dean asked as they stopped at Becky's room. "Probably 4-6 months," Dr. Marcus says.

Becky's going to be so heartbroken. She's going to miss everything from the Royal Rumble to Money in the Bank. She might even miss Battleground, too. "OK, thank you, doc," Dean says giving the doctor another handshake. "No problem. A nurse will come around in like an hour or so to give her some pain medicine," he says, returning the handshake and walking away.

Dean opened the door to see Becky asleep. She looked different, though. Her orange hair was fading, she looked a lot skinnier than before, and her skin was very pale. Did Corey really cause all this? Did he break her that badly? Dean sat in the chair next to her bed. He brushed the hair in her face away. "I'm so sorry, Becks. I really am," Dean whispers. "I wish I could've protected you and Mason."

T E N  M I N U T E S  L A T E R 

Dean was on his phone, playing a game to make time fly by when he saw in the corner of his eye Becky starting to wake up. "Becks?" He says, putting his phone away. She turns to her left and looks at him. "Dean?" She whispers. "I'm right here," he reassures her. "What happened? Why am I in the hospital? And why is my head hurting so much?" She asks him.

"Uhh, I don't know how to explain this to you, but you were in an accident," he tells her. She looked confused, so Dean continued to explain. "Well, I dropped Mason off at your house and went home. About half an hour later, Mason called me and said you fell down the stairs. So, I went back to your home to go and help you. I asked you what happened, and you told me that Corey slapped you and then you fell."

"So, why does my head hurt?" She asks. "You just had surgery about 20 minutes ago. They had to stop the bleeding inside of you and fix one of your broken ribs. But, you have a broken leg," Dean tells her. "How long will I be out?" She asks again. Dean sighs. "4-6 months." "What? I basically missed a whole year," she says. "I know. I'm sorry, Becks," Dean says. "Don't be. I know you are."

Edited: 7/24/18

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