T H I R T Y - N I N E

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Dean made it home as fast as he can. He already knew he was too late. What could've possibly happened to her? What could he have possibly done to her?

He rushed inside the house, realizing that the door was opened. He left her. "Becks?" He yells, walking around the first floor. "Becks?" He yelled louder. He still didn't hear anything. He went upstairs to the bedroom. He saw Becky. Sitting on the bed, with all of her clothes on, with the covers covering her legs and tears running down her face.

"Becks?" He says walking up to her. She didn't say anything. "Rebecca," he yells. She closes her eyes and opens them back up and looks at him. He kneels in front of her. "What did he do?" He whispers. "Jon," she cries. "Becks. I'm not gonna get mad at you. I know it's not your fault. Just tell me what he did," he whispers. 

She shakes her head. "I tried to defend myself. I tried really hard. But he was too strong for me. He raped me, Jon," she cried harder. Dean pulled her close to him as she cried into his shoulder.

"Dean, I'm scared," she cries. "What if I'm pregnant?" "We can't do anything, but raise the child. I know you don't want to have an abortion and I know you don't want to give it up for adoption, either. We have no other choice," he says rubbing her back.

"I'm so sorry, Becks. It's my fault for leaving you," he whispers, stroking her hair. "It's not your fault, babe. There was nothing you could've done," she whispers. "Where are the twins?" She whispers again. "I let Joe pick them up. I'm gonna go get them. Do you wanna come?" He asks her. She shakes her head. "I can't walk." 

Dean nods. "I'll be back in less than 5 minutes. Stay here, OK?" He whispers as he pulls away from her. She nods. "I love you, Becks. Don't worry. We'll get him, OK?" He whispers as wipes the tears from her eyes. "I love you too." She nods again. Dean places his lips on hers as she kisses back.


Dean was walking with the twins home. "Daddy, today at the zoo, Mason and I made cards for you and mommy," Makenna smiles as she takes a paper out of her bag. "Yeah. Here, daddy," Mason smiles as he also takes out a piece of paper out of his bag. Dean kneels down in front of the twins and smiles. "Thank you, guys," he says giving them both a kiss on the cheek. 

"Daddy, what did you and mommy do all day?" Mason asks his dad. "Uhh, well, mommy's sick, so she slept all day," he said. Makenna frowns. "Mommy's sick?" She asks. Dean nods. "Her tummy has been hurting all day, so she had to sleep," he explains to the twins as he stands up. "Is she OK? Can we get her something?" Mason asks. "She's fine, buddy. But, we could get something. What do you want to get her?" Dean asks

"Let's get mommy flowers," Makenna smiles. "No. Let's get mommy a teddy bear," Mason smiles. "We'll just get mommy both. I think she'll be very happy," Dean smiles as the three continue to walk down the street.


"Mommy's a little sad right now, so if she doesn't talk when you say something, don't take it personally, OK?" Dean explains to the twins as he takes his shoes off. "It's OK, daddy. Mommy's gonna love my gift," Mason says as he holds the teddy bear in his arms. "No. Mommy's gonna like my flowers better," Makenna fights back. "Guys, don't fight. Mommy's gonna love both of your gifts. But I'm her favorite, so it doesn't matter," Dean cockily smiles. 

"Not true. Mommy said this morning that we were her favorites," Makenna smiles. He playfully rolls his eyes. "Let's just go upstairs," he says as he makes way to the stairs.

When they get upstairs to the bedroom, they see the TV on, but Becky not really paying attention to it. Just staring at the screen. "Mommy," the kids yell, catching her attention. She turns her head and puts on a fake smile. "Hi, guys," she says. "Mommy, today, we got to make cards for you and daddy, and he said that we could get you gifts because he said you weren't feeling good," Makenna smiles as she and her brother walk up to her.

Becky's fake smile turns into a real one. "Thank you, babies. I'll be fine. I promise."

A  W E E K  L A T E R 

Dean wanted Becky to go to the doctors, to make sure that she wasn't pregnant. She hasn't been the same for the past couple of days. I mean, who could blame her? 

"Do we really have to go?" Becky asks Dean as he puts his watch on in the bathroom

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"Do we really have to go?" Becky asks Dean as he puts his watch on in the bathroom. He sighs. "Yes, Becks. We just have to make sure that you're OK and everything else is OK," he explains to her. "You're getting tired of me, aren't you?" She asks him with tears in her eyes.

"What? No, Becks. I would never get tired of you," he says wiping the tears from her eyes. "Besides," he smiles sticking his left foot out. "We're matching." She giggles. "Thanks, dude," she smiles.


"I really fucking hate these places," Becky sighs as she sits next to Dean in one of the seats. He chuckles. "Why?" "When I was pregnant with the twins, I was so upset. Every time I came here, there was this lady who, apparently had the same appointment days as me. She was always happy about literally everything," Becky explains to Dean. "I can't wait to have my little girl. My daughter can't stop talking about being a big sister," Becky mocks the lady. " She got me so annoyed and made me want to punch her in the throat," she rolls her eyes. 

"Well, damn. Remind me never get you upset," Dean chuckles. She shoots him a glare. "You do that every fucking day. I'm just keeping you alive for the kids," she gives him a fake smile before looking away. She shakes her head. "I'm sorry. I don't know what that was," she whispers. He smiles. "It's OK, love," he shrugs. "I found it kind of sexy." She pushes him slightly as she blushes. He sighs happily. "I love making my girlfriend blush."

"Rebecca Quinn," they hear. "Here we go," she mumbles and stands up. "Let's go," he smiles. 

The two follow the nurse as she leads her to a room. "Please," he says pointing to the bed for Becky. "Have a seat." She follows his instructions, while Dean sits in one of the chairs. The nurse sits in one of those chairs that had wheels on them and rolled his seat next to her. She looked at Dean, a bit uncomfortable, and she could see the jealousy on his face. He was trying real hard not to show it. 

"Um, could you back up a bit? Please?" She asks softly. "Uh, sure," he says with confusion in his voice. He moves back a bit. Still wasn't comfortable enough for Becky, but she just let it be. 

"So," he says looking down at the clipboard in his hand, "You're Rebecca?"

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Next chapter will be up soon!!!

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