T W E N T Y - O N E

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The two parents were laying down in their bed, with the TV on. Dean was laying down with his back and head against the headboard and Becky was in between his legs, with her head on his chest. Neither one of them were really paying attention to the TV, though.

They stayed like this for about an hour. No talking, no kissing. Just sitting in each other's arms. After the event that happened, no one was thinking about what was happening or what was going to happen. It was just a very calm and relaxed environment for the both of them.

"It's almost 2:30. I have to go pick up Mason," Dean whispers to Becky, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. "No, I don't want you to go," she whispers back, holding on to his arms. "I'll be back, real quick. Unless you wanna come," he whispers. She nods her head. "But I can't walk on my leg as much. Bed rest, remember?"

"It's kind of bed rest if I'm carrying you around," he puts his chin softly on the top of her head. "Yeah, but, I don't want to hurt your back," she tells him. He scoffs. "I sometimes wonder if you and Mason switch sizes. You are the lightest person in the world. You don't have to worry about me. My back should be one of your last priorities." he chuckles.

"I know, but--" she starts. Dean rolls his eyes and starts to kiss her neck, which makes her stop talking. "I said don't worry about me," he whispers in her ear. She smiles to herself and nods. "OK."

Dean helped her up to get her shoes, well shoe, on and the two were on their way to go pick up Mason.

"I don't know if it's weird for me to thank Mr. Thomas," Dean says as he drives the car. "Thank him for what?" Becky asks looking up from her phone with a confused look on her face. "He helped me break up with Mandy. Would it be weird if I thanked him?"

"I mean," she starts. "Huh. I guess I don't really have an answer for that," she smiles. "But you always have answers for everything," he whines. "Yeah, but I don't know if it's normal for someone to thank someone for letting their significant other cheat on them," she says. "So, it is weird," he smiles. "I guess it is," she smiles back. "You answered my question without even knowing. One thing I love about you," he says, making her blush.

"You know, orange and red don't mix very well, in my opinion," he laughs making her laugh as well.

They got to Mason's school and Dean parked in the parking lot. Dean helped Becky out the car and up to the entrance. "Why didn't you take your crutches?" He asks. "I told you. I'm not using those shits," she laughs, which makes Dean laugh as well. "Oh, how much I love you," he smiles. "And how much I love you," she says giving him kiss on the cheek.

They walk up to the front desk, and surprisingly, Mr. Thomas was there. "Hi, Ms. Quinn and Mr. Good," he says. His voice was a bit shaky when he said Dean's name. Dean tried his best to make it seem like he didn't know what Mr. Thomas and Mandy did together.

"Hello, Mr. Thomas. How are you?" Becky smiles at him. "I'm doing well, and yourself?" He answers back, not paying any attention to Dean. "I'm doing good besides this broken leg that I have," she says. "Oh. What happened?" He asks with sympathy in his voice. "Fell down the stairs. No big deal," she waves off. "I'm so sorry. Hope you feel better," he smiles. "Thank you," she smiles back.

"Here to pick up Mason?" He asks. She nods. "Mrs. Harding said that she was meaning to talk to the both of you. She's with Mason right now in her classroom," he explains to the both of them. They both have a slightly confused face but shook it off. "OK. Thank you, Mr. Thomas." Becky smiles. "No problem," he smiles back before going back to looking at his computer screen.

Becky takes Dean's hand and the two make their way to Mason's classroom. When they get there, they see 5 people in the room: Mason, Mrs. Harding, a little boy and his parents.

"Hello Rebecca, Jonathan," Mrs. Harding says as she sees Becky and Dean. Becky waves and so does Dean. Mason, however, doesn't. He was too busy glaring at the boy in front of him, who was doing the exact same thing back. "Please, have a seat. This could probably take a while," she says.

812 words

Edited: 8/15/18

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