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"Do you know when you'll be able to go home?" Dean asks. "Dr. Marcus said he wants to make sure that everything is OK. I'm gonna stay over for the night and then I get to go home tomorrow morning," Becky tells him. They hear a phone buzz. "Yours?" Dean asks. Becky nods. She turns it on to see 2 text messages:

Corey G.:
Where the hell are you? Do you know what fucking time it is? You have an hour to get your ass back in this house...

You think getting yourself into an accident can let you keep Dean? No sweetheart. He's mine. Forever and always... Remember that? Remember he told you every night back in the day? He's not going to love you anymore... He's moved on to someone hotter than a bitch like you... You have an hour to get your ass back to Corey...

"Who was it?" Dean asks. Becky shakes her head. "N-No one." "Then, give me your phone," Dean says sticking his hand out. "Why?" Becky asks. "If it's no one, then you wouldn't mind giving me your phone," Dean says, still having his hand out. "I don't want you to go crazy," she whispers. "I promise, OK?" She sighs and gives him her phone.

He looks at the notifications. "Is that Mandy's number?" Becky asks. "No. I broke up with her today. She wouldn't go this far," Dean tells her. "Then who do you think it is?" Dean shrugs. "Dunno. But, don't worry about. If it gets worse, we'll call Detective Harbs and see what she can do about it," Dean tells her as he gives her back her phone.

"See? Did I do anything crazy?" Dean smiles at her. Becky laughs. "Shut up," she slightly pushes him. Mason looks up from Dean's phone. "Mommy, do I have to go to school tomorrow?" He asks. "Do you want to go?" Becky asks him. "No. I wanna stay with you," He tells her. "How about daddy picks you up from school tomorrow early and you and him can come pick me up and then we'll go have some fun, OK?" Becky offers. Mason nods and goes back to the phone.

"You guys can leave if you want. I'll be fine," Becky says. "You sure? We could stay a bit longer," Dean says. "I'm fine. Mason's starting to drift away anyway," Becky smiles as they look at their son trying to stay awake. "OK. I'll call you when we get home," Dean says standing up. Becky nods. "I love you," she whispers. Dean turns around when he hears her.

"What?" "I'm sorry. It just came out," she says, looking down. Dean smiles and lifts up her chin. "Don't be. I love you, too," he says before planting his lips on hers. They kiss for about 10 seconds before Becky pulls away. "I'll see you tomorrow, OK?" Dean whispers. She nods and gives him a long hug.


It was around 1:30 in the afternoon and Becky was waiting for Dean and Mason. She really wished she wasn't sick. She could've celebrated both of her boys' birthday. She looked at the 'M' ring on her finger.

"I miss you, 'Kenna. I really hope I didn't disappoint you. Today's your birthday. You have the same birthday as my son and his father. I love you 'Ken. I hope I'll get to see you soon." She whispers as she kisses the ring. After waiting for a bit, Mason and Dean came into the room.

"Mommy!" Mason smiles, running up to his mom. "Hi, baby. Happy birthday," she smiles giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you! Today at school, daddy brought cupcakes and goodie bags for everyone in my class," Mason smiles. Becky looks at Dean. "How?" Dean shrugged. "I asked Pam and Mercy to do the goodie bags and asked Ash and Alexa to make the cake. I'm glad they did it in such short notice," Dean smiled. Becky smiled back.

"And happy birthday to you too, Mr. Lunatic," Becky giggled. "Ehh. You know birthdays aren't really my thing," Dean smiles. "Well, you're 4 more years close to 40, so you better make the most of it," Becky smiles. "Wow. Thanks for making me feel old, Becks," Dean playfully rolls his eyes. "You're welcome," she teases.

"I brought you some clothes," Dean says holding a bag out. She looks at him, confused. "You went to my house?" "Well, I wanted to, but I didn't have the key and I didn't want to go in while Corey was there because I would've gotten arrested for almost killing him, so I went to Alexa's house and she said that you had some clothes that you left at her house," Dean explains.

"Thank you," she says. Dean nods. "No problem. "I'm gonna sign you out. We'll be back in a couple minutes," Dean says as he and Mason head out. Becky nods as she gets up and heads to the bathroom.


A couple minutes later, Becky was fully dressed but she had trouble putting on one of her boots. Her ribs were still paining her and she didn't want to hurt herself even more. She didn't want to bother Dean either, considering it was his birthday and she didn't want him to babysit her. She tried so many different methods, but each one of them kept giving more pain in her rib area.

Dean and Mason came back in the room. "Do you need help?" Dean asked. Becky got startled and dropped her boots. Dean and Mason laughed. "Haha, very funny," she rolled her eyes. "What did you say?" Becky asked. "I said do you need help," Dean repeated smiling. Becky shook her head no, but Dean helped her anyway. 

"What's the point of you asking if you were going to help me anyway?" She asked looking at him. He shrugged. "I know you're in pain, so I didn't want you to hurt yourself even more," he smiled, pecking her on the lips.

 "I know you're in pain, so I didn't want you to hurt yourself even more," he smiled, pecking her on the lips

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"I've got good news and bad news," he says helping her up. "Which one you want to hear first?" "Good news," she says. "You're free to go home now." "Bad news?" "I've got a present for you." "How is that bad news?" "Wait here," he said before walking out the room. He came back with two crutches. "Here ya go, lass," Dean laughs imitating her Irish accent.

Becky shakes her head. "No. I'm not using those. After the last time? I think I'm OK," Becky says crossing her arms. "Oh, c'mon Becks! That was six years ago! You're eye got better," Dean says forcing her to take them. Six years ago, Dean injured his foot and had to be on crutches for about a month. When Dean asked her for his crutches, Becky accidentally grabbed them too fast and the rubber side of the crutch hit her eye.

Becky shakes her head again. "I don't care. I'm not taking any chances. I'd rather injure my leg even more than use those shits," Becky says. "Mommy!" Mason yells. "Sorry, Mas." Dean turns to Mason and whispers something in his ear. Becky looks at him suspiciously as he says something in his ear. Mason nods and walks up to his mom.

"Mommy, can you please use the crooches to help your leg get better?" Mason says, doing a puppy dog face. She looked at Dean who was doing the same face. "Please mommy?" He says. Becky groans. "Fine. Only because of the way Mason said crutches was cute." "It's crutches, Mas." Dean laughs. "Yeah, that's what I said. Crooches," he says making his parents laugh.

Editied: 7/24/18

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