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"I'm still bummed that I have to miss wrestling for six whole months. I literally just won the title, and now I have to give it up," Becky sighs, sitting in the car. "Well, if it makes you feel better, I'm gonna lose my title too," Dean says. "That's different. You chose to lose your title. I'm forced to give up my title," she says. "Wow. I'm trying to make you feel better and now you're making me feel bad," he smiles. "Sorry," she mumbles.

"Becks, be happy! It's the boys' birthday! Right, Mas?" He smiles, looking in the rearview mirror. "Yeah, mommy. Be happy! You get to stay with your favorite person in the world!" Mason smiles. "And who's that?" Becky smiles. "Me!" Both Dean and Mason yell. "Hey! I thought I was mommy's favorite," Dean whines.

"No. I'm mommy's favorite. Mommy, tell daddy that I'm your favorite," Mason says. "I can't answer that question," Becky smiles as she shakes her head. "Why not?" They both ask. "Because you're both my favorite." "I know that, but I'm your favorite favorite, right Becks?" Dean smiles looking at her. "No. I'm mommy's favorite favorite."

"Really Jon? You're fighting with a four-year-old? Besides, I don't have favorites. That's basically asking me if I like pizza or burgers," Becky laughs. "Obviously pizza," Dean says. "Liar! It's burgers," Mason yells. "You're trying me, little Ambrose," Dean playfully glares at Mason. "What did I do, big Ambrose?" Mason innocently smiles at Dean.

"I don't know yet. But you better watch out. Legend has it, every December 7th, the tickle monster makes his rounds to little kids house, and they take them away to far far away places, and tickle them so hard, that they won't be able to breathe," Dean teases Mason. "Mommy. Daddy's scaring me," Mason whines.

Becky slaps Dean's arm. "Ow! Dude, I could've crashed the car," he says, rubbing his arm. "Don't scare my baby," she says pulling out her phone. "Yeah. Don't scare mommy's baby," Mason repeats. "Smile," Becky says holding her phone in a selfie mode. She took a picture of her family and posted the picture on Instagram.

Beckylynchwwe posted a picture:

Happy birthday to my babes👪💘🎂! 4 years ago, my baby boy Mason Luke Good was born and was the happiest day of my life. I love you Mas! You're gonna do big things in life just like your dad. Speaking of your dad, I love him with all my heart and in 4 more years, he's gonna be an old man and instead of calling him daddy, you're gonna have to call him grandpa...👴👴😂😂😂

"Haha, very funny, Becks," Dean rolls his eyes as he parks the car in his driveway. "It's true, grandpa," she laughs. "You're lucky I love you," he says before planting his lips on hers. She smiled into the kiss. They pulled away to hear Mason say: "Eww! Daddy, stop sucking mommy's face off." Becky and Dean laughed. "When you're my age, it's not gonna be sucking mommy's face off," Dean says.

The family of three went inside the house. "What do the birthday boys want to do?" Becky asks as she puts her crutches by the door. "I want food," Mason says. "Magic word?" Dean says. "Can I please have food?" Mason rephrases. "The magic word was actually King Daddy, but I'll take it anyway," Dean smiles as he ruffles Mason's hair.

"Daddy, can we get pizza?" Mason asks. "No. I want Chinese Food," Becky says as she limps to the kitchen. "No. We got Chinese food last time, mommy," Mason says sitting on the countertop. "Why can't we get both? I haven't had a cheat day in like forever," Dean asked. "YAY!" Mason and Becky yelled making Dean chuckle. Dean takes his phone and calls the Chinese restaurant.

"Make sure to--" Becky starts. "I know, I know," Dean smiles at Becky, who smiles back.

Edited: 7/24/18

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