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Hanna's POV

"Where are they? What happened? Are they okay? Does Nash's parents already know?" Mrs. Williams was firing questions at me that I don't know what to answer. I'm in shock just as she is. Me and Cam were on our way home from the party. I remember Nash and Macy left first. We left around 15 minutes and we were surprised there was traffic on our way home. Its hard to believe cause it was late and that hardly occurs during this time. When we found out the cause there was a crash between a car and a truck. While I was investigating the scene I noticed the car's plate number '2HNG829'. That's Macy's plate number! I immediately told Cam to stop the car and I got out and went to the scene. As the medic was moving the bodies to the ambulance I tried to check if it was them then one of the paramedic said...

"Excuse me ma'am but are you related to these people?"

"Yes. I'm her friend. The people in the car. Are they okay?" I asked to the paramedic.

"It was a pretty hard crash. We need to hurry, they're situation is critical." She replied.

"We'll follow the ambulance to the hospital." I answered. We both hurried to our vehicles. I told Cam to follow the ambulance. Another car was following us, I guess it was the one who witnessed the crash and called for help. I immediately called Macy's parents first to let them know what happened. My hands was shaking because of nervousness. Then I texted the girls to also inform them. We arrived at the hospital minutes later and rushed to see Macy and Nash. Cam said he'll just park the car and then go after me. They were in the operating room quickly so I didn't got the chance to see them. I looked for somewhere to sit and wait. There were some policemen who were asking questions on a middle-aged man. Maybe he saw the crash so I decided to walk up to them.

"Hi, I'm the friend of the people in the car. I just wanna know what happened." The policemen didn't mind with me listening to their conversation.

"Sir please tell us what happened." One of the policemen said.

"So the car involved in the accident was just right infront of mine. It was completely on go signal so the driver went through the intersection then some truck was speeding from the left side of the driver and it hit the car badly. It was devastating. I immediately called 911 for the ambulance for the injured."

"Any other information that can be useful for the patients and for our investigation?" The policemen asked.

"Well, the driver's side was the first to be hit and I think the truck driver was drunk or something so better get a test on him."

"Thank you for your cooperation sir." The policemen leaved. The witness said sorry to me because he said it was the only information he has.

That's when Macy's parents arrived. After they arrived the girls did too. We were all just sitting there waiting for the doctor to tell us what happened to Macy and Nash. Macy's parents called and informed Nash's parents about what happened. We all agreed not to post anything online about what happened and just keep it to ourselves in the meantime. I was so nervous, I kept thinking what happened to them. Cam held my hand and said...

"Don't worry, they'll okay. They'll make it through.."

"I hope so." I replied.

Macy's parents went outside to talk. I really don't know what's happening but Macy said they're having a divorce or something. I hope it won't happen cause Macy needs them right now and separating will only be hard for Macy. Dani and Alex went to Starbucks since they we're hungry and it was near the hospital while me and Cam stayed just in case the doctor looks for us. Almost 2 hours passed and still no doctor. A few minutes later a nurse went to us and asked if we were related to Macy and Nash. We nodded yes and she said...

"The doctor said they'll be out in a few minutes. Please be patient." I was so anxious that she was about to leave I held her hand tight and asked her "Are they okay? What happened to them?" She gently took my hand of her and replied "I'm sorry miss but that's the only information I know and I can tell you." She left and I was there left confused. I don't know why I did that, probably because my friends are in danger. Cam was trying to calm me down. Macy's parents and the girls got back. Just then the doctor came out.

"We've took them to their rooms. They're still unstable but rest can definitely help them get better. Just call for us when they wake up."








Update! Thank you for reading! Ily! 

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