Bon Voyage

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Nash's POV

"So you guys want to take Macy out? Again? Why?" I asked

"Because we need to stall her, we're throwing a surprise party for her." Dani answered.

"Why? Is she leaving?" I said.

"Just take her out okay and we'll do all the preparations. We'll text you when we're ready."

I really had no choice but to just do it cause they would probably force me to do it and besides I'm hanging out with Macy. I'll get to know her more. I left Cam's house and went to Macy's. I knocked on the door and I saw her mom and she let me in. I saw Macy holding a whole bag of Lays watching TV.

"Don't you think that's too early?" I said while walking up to her and sitting next to her.

"Nothing is too early for me Grier. Now, what do you want?" She answered.

"Easy there sassy pants, I just wanted to ask if you want to hang-out with me." I told her.

"Hmm, where to?" She asked.

"Anywhere? I'm in the mood to go out today."

She rolled her eyes, placed the Lays at the coffee table and went up to her room. She got back at the living room after 5 minutes later.

Macy's POV

Going out with Nash again. Its been the second time this week. I smell something fishy but I have no idea where to start. I changed to my nashty shir and some skinny jeans and my favorite Vans. I went downstairs getting my keys and directly went to Bean.

"Can Bean come with us?" I asked Nash.

He nodded and I called Bean, got his leash and we ran to the car. Nash went after us. I placed Bean in the front seat. When Nash got there he was surprised so he picked up Bean.

"No. Put him down, he sits next to me... Just kidding, you can sit there and put Bean in the back or hold him, your choice." I said to him.

He picked up Bean and seated in front holding Bean. We decided to go to the park since I also wanted to take Bean out of the house for a long time now. I parked the car and Nash went out taking Bean holded his leash.

"Go ahead. I'll go after you."

I found a parking space luckily and immediately parked the car. Went out and got my phone, wallet and car keys with me. I saw Bean and Nash playing and it was so cute. Its nice to see Nash playing with Bean, at least before I leave I have the assurance that someone will take care of Bean. I walked up to them and just waved hi then sat on a bench near them. There were a few dogs around and also a few familiar faces since I go here alot when I first got Bean. Nash and Bean got tired of playing so they decided to take break. They sat next to me.

"Tired?" I asked.

Nash just nodded and sat down giving me Bean's leash.

Nash's POV

Macy was just looking at her phone. I got a text from Cameron saying that they'll be done in an hour or so. I could handle that. I started a conversation with Macy and good thing it wasn't awkward but then it did.

"Nash?" It was a familiar voice but I didn't know who it was cause I can't see her.

"Guess who?" She covered my eyes and I recognized the voice.

"Cathy. Yay, she's here." I can hear the sarcasm in Macy's voice.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked her.

"What are you doing here? I didn't know you were coming here. I wanted to take Max out. Oh yeah, this is Max." Cathy answered.

"I didn't know you had a dog." I said.

"Yeah, I forgot about that." She replied. "Well, I have to go. I'll see you soon." She waved goodbye and left.

Macy was just quiet the whole time. I tapped her shoulder and she looked at me.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Can you give me your honest opinion about me and Cathy?" I bravely asked.

"Straight forward, I see."

"So? What's the answer."

"I really don't know. I mean she makes you smile and that's important. If you like her and then ask her to be your girlfriend. Your relationship is none of my business Nash. You wanted my opinion, there you go." She answered.

"But what about you?" I said.

"What about me?" She asked.

"Us?" I continued. As she was about to answer my phone rings. It was Cam, he said that they we're all set and ready. I took Macy's hand and went quickly to the car. She was confused why I did it, I can see it through her face. We arrived at the house minutes later. I parked the car at the driveway and made Macy go first. She looked at me suspiciously.

"There's nothing gonna scare me right?" She asked. I just shrugged and she slowly opened the door. "Why is it dark?" She whispered.

"Surprise!!!!" Everyone screamed. Macy was so surprised and she was speechless. There was a big banner saying 'Bon Voyage' and balloons everywhere there was even confetti. She just covered her mouth, you like the beauty pageant contestants finds out they win or something, just like that. And she was teary-eyed. All her close friends we're there.

"I really don't know what to say. Thank you so much. I'm seriously gonna miss every single one of you when I leave. I will always keep in touch. Thank you for the support." Wait, so, Macy's leaving? I wasn't informed, I didn't knew that. She's leaving? Why? What for? Where to?

Macy's POV

It was amazing how much my friends love me, they even arranged a surprise party for me. I'm leaving in a week and I can't believe it. I'm gonna be all alone there, without my parents, without anyone, well except for my new roommate that I haven't met. Hopefully she's friendly.

Everyone was enjoying, eating, talking, dancing and stuff. I noticed Dani was a little bit down so I talked to her.

"What's up?" I asked her.

"Huh? Ohhh, Its just, Shawn hasn't talked to me in almost a week. He hasn't returned any of my calls or texts. I'm getting worried."

"Ohh, that's bad. Well you aren't the only one feeling bad."

"What do you mean?" Dani asked.

"Its just Nash asked me on my opinion about him and Cathy, I told him what I felt but then he said 'What about us?' I just really don't know but I think he really likes her."

"Well then, let's both be sad. I really do wish Shawn is here."

"Who says I wasn't?" A familiar voice started talking. Dani and I turned around and we saw....

"Shawn! What are you doing here?" I asked.

Shawn explained why he was her while Dani was hugging the life out of him. At least she got happy. I feel happy for my friends with their relationships but mine is just so fucked up. I just want everything to be okay before I leave but I guess that's pretty impossible.









Guys, I'm so sorry if I haven't updated in days, its just alot of things in school has been happening and I needed to other things so I didn't got the chance to update these past few days. Im really sorry. I hope you guys understand. I'll try to update again today but the weekend is coming soon so yeah. Hope you like my update although it has alot of conversations involved. Really sorry about that.

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