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Macy's POV

These past few days, I've been at the hospital because of the whole self-harming accident. I've been under observation in case anything happens or something. So far Nash has stayed almost everyday for me but this time I sent him home cause I knew how tired he was and the girls insisted taking care of me. At first Nash didn't want to leave but I convinced him at the end.

"I'll come back tonight okay?"

"Okay." He kissed my forehead and whispered "I love you." Of course I replied "I love you too."

The girls said alot of things about our relationship. They were happy for me, and said that now all of us have relationships and I won't be left out in talking about boyfriends and stuff. In the midst of our conversation someone accidentally asked about Charlie and then we stopped talking.

"Macy with all due respect, I know you're having a hard time right now but what really happened to Charlie?" Dani asked.

"Why would you ask such thing." Hanna replied to Dani.

"Guys, its fine. I feel better now and I knew sooner or later we'll talk about Charlie." I answered to them, I paused for awhile because I was trying not to cry.

"So what happened to Charlie?" Alex asked.

"Their base was attacked overnight. It was totally unexpected, thats what the army guys said. It was by the time he and his other soldiers were asleep. They said that someone planted a bomb on their quarters and Charlie was there resting. The bomb activated and then boom, explosion on their place. Charlie was blown a few meters away. As one of the soldiers said he still tried to fight but he was one of the unlucky guys. Thats how Charlie died." I explained to the girls.

"How could they do that to innocent people." Alex while holding my hand.

"We really don't know, it was Charlie's time to go I guess." I replied.

Charlie's funeral is in 2 days. I'll be out at the hospital by tomorrow afternoon. Thank God cause hospital food is not good. I was feeling better than a few days ago but still felt weak. Mom and dad went back to work already because I told them to.

Nash's POV

Today is Charlie's funeral. Macy got out of the hospital yesterday. Everything was all set up. We were ready to go. I looked for Macy cause she wasn't downstairs. She wasn't in her room either then I noticed Charlie's door was open. I went to check and their I see Macy crying while hugging a photo of Charlie. Lets face it, no matter how hard you try to stay strong for someone when you're really hurt, time comes when you'll just breakdown and cry. I hate seeing Macy cry but there's nothing I can do about it. She was crushed, even my love for her can't fill that empty space she has now in her heart. I knocked on the door.

"Macy?" I stopped by the door and leaned on it.

"Just a minute." She wiped her tears away.

I walked towards where she was and sat beside her. "Ready to go?" I asked her. I hugged her and she faced my direction. She started crying harder. She said repeatedly "Charlie is gone, he's gone forever." I understand what Macy was going through. Especially when it comes to times like this. She was very close with Charlie, as in super close. When your emotions just get to you and you just breakdown and cry.  Macy was trying to be strong for Charlie and for us but she just couldn't take it. 

"I know Macy, I know. But we couldn't change that anymore. Just think he's up there in heaven. He's our own angel now. He will always be right here in our hearts. Don't forget that." I said trying to comfort her. "Its time. We shouldn't be late for the funeral."

"Okay." I offered her my handkerchief for the tears on her face. We slowly went downstairs because she was still a bit weak. She continued crying but at the same time she's trying to hold it back. 

The whole time during the funeral Macy was holding my hand. She was just looking down on the ground and every once in a while look at Charlie's coffin. It was hard not to cry because I can feel everyone's pain. After the funeral Macy asked to stay for awhile. 

"I'll wait for you in the car." She nodded yes and I left her.

Macy's POV

"Charlie." I'm talking to a dead guy, I know. "I'll definitely miss you bro. You said you'll be present the day I get married but you lied to me. I hope you're happy there. I love you bro. I'll see you again. I promise you that." 

Too many things has happened for the past 2 weeks. Charlie dying, me being at the hospital, my parents lying to me and my misunderstanding with Nash. Could this week get any worse?










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