Chapter Two

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Sitting next to Colby in the tv room with all the guys I start to get that nervous feeling again. I glance over at him and see he's laughing at what Brennen said. His laugh makes my mind go crazy.

Getting lost in my thoughts I start to toon everyone out. Not paying attention just repeating the same image in my mind. I may sound weird but I love Colby. Everything about him is great.

"Sam." I hear in the background. Not paying much attention to it I keep staring at the white chipped paint.

"Sam." I hear again only this time I see a hand being moved in front of me. I blink once and I look over at where the hand is coming from. Colby.

"Are you okay dude? You've been acting that way for awhile now." Colby asks. I try to hold everything together as I hear his rough voice. I look around at all my other roommates and nod my head.

"Fine." I say in a strained voice. I cough trying to get rid of it, "I'm going to get some water. Okay?" I say standing up quickly and rushing out of the room. Grabbing a glass from the wooden cabinet and start filling up my cup. I feel a hand on my shoulder and jump quickly turning around, splashing some water.

"Sam, are you sure your okay? You know you can tell me when you aren't right?" Colby tells me. I nod my head and put my glass down.

"I'm fine really, just haven't got much sleep." Witch techinally isn't a lie. He gives me a worried look and sighs.

"Why not?"

"I just can't sleep. There's things on my mind and stuff." I say biting my lip and looking down.

"You wanna stay in my room tonight? We can stay up tonight and do what ever and I'll make sure you go to bed first if you haven't been sleeping well."

I think really quickly and nod my head softly, "sure okay." I tell Colby. He smiles at me again and walks out of the kitchen and back into the tv room. I see Brennen enter soon after and walks past me.

"You love Colby." Brennen whispers in my ear as he continues to walk to the cabinet and grab a box of cereal.

"What?" I turn around and face him. He smirks and comes closer. He looks around before talking again.

"I'm not going to say anything. I promise. I don't care if you do. Just be careful on who you tell."


"Because some people won't accept. Especially old crushes, ex's or even people who loved you and you never knew. Just be careful Sam." He says walking out of the kitchen leaving me alone.

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