Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Sam can I ask you a question?" Kat says looking at me. We have been walking on the pier for a couple hours now.

"Yeah sure." I say sitting on one of the side benches, "what's wrong?"

"Are you and Colby okay?" She asks with worry in her voice. I look down at the ground and sigh.

"Honestly I'm not sure Kat. He's fine but it's me that's making everything....weird." I say still looking at the ground.

"What's happening?" She asks.

"I like Colby. I do but I just don't think I do as much anymore. I've been hanging out with you so much the past three weeks and I honestly miss it.

When we were together it was great and now that we are hanging out again it's wonderful. I just, I think I like Colby more of a friend I guess. I don't know anymore.

I don't have the same feelings as much. I'm starting to feel something towards you." I say looking Kat in the eyes.

"Wait really? But you and Colby were perfect for each other."

"Yeah....were perfect. I think I like you Kat. Honestly I think I do."

"I like you too Sam. These past weeks have been amazing." Kat says smiling. I smile too and hug her tightly.

The only thing I didn't notice was her "evil" like smirk.


Have you guess what Kat has been doing all this time????? If so comment below

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