Chapter Seven

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Opening the wooden door me and Colby both look at each other with confusion. We look back into the house and see Aaron running around while Corey and Elton are wrestling each other. Brennen is causally sitting on the stairs eating food and Devyn is busy filming everyone.

"Is there a skit we missed or something?" Colby asks as we walk in further as I shut the door behind us. The all stop and look at us and continue doing what they were doing. Finally Elton stands up and walks over to Devyn grabbing his camera and turning it off.

"So how was the beach?" Elton asks us. We both shrug our shoulders. Colby makes his way to the kitchen while I continue standing there.

"It was good. Just hang out and stuff." I say causally. I start heading up the stairs and walk into my room. I sit on my bed when I hear a knock on my door. Brennen.

"Just hung out and stuff?" He asks while giving me a smirk. He shuts the door and sits next to me.

"What really happened?"

"I told him." I say quietly. I look at Brennen and his eyes to wide. He then smiles at me.

"Like everything?" He asks. I nod my head and he hugs me, "so what did he say?"

"We may of kissed....twice." I say quietly while a smile forms on my face. Brennen looks at me with a heartwarming smile.

"Bro I'm so happy for you. What are you going to tell the guys?"

"I dont know. I mean since Jake just moved in its kinda crazy and stuff. But it's not my decision anymore it's also Colby's." I say looking over at Brennen.

"Are you two dating now?"

"No. No. We just learned we liked each other. We're giving it time. Hey by the way do you know where Jake was? Everyone else was here." I asks Brennen.

"No clue man. Hey I'm gonna head home now okay? Take care of Colby." He says winking at me. I roll my eyes and laugh.

"Yeah okay." I say smiling. He shuts the door and I sigh as I lay down on my bed, my arms out like a cross, and close my eyes. I hear my door open and close but ignore it until I felt someone jump on top of me.

I open my eyes and look down to see Colby across my stomach.

"Hello." He says smiling. I smile back and shake my head, putting it back on the bed and closing my eyes.

"Hello." I say quietly as I move my arms to wrap around Colby's body.

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