Chapter Nine

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Standing in Colby's room I start to pace around now nervous to tell anyone anything. I wipe my hands on my jeans and my chest starts to feel tight.

I hear the door open but continue to pace around. I hear Colby's voice and stop walking so I can look at the door. I see him give me a worried smile as he comes in the room and shuts the door behind him.

"Why are you pacing?" Colby asks me as he grabs my hands and holds them. I look down and let out a shaky breath.

"I'm so nervous now. What if Elton hates us? What if he kicks us out? Where will we go? What will we do?" I say freaking out even more. I feel Colby put his hands on my shoulders and he shakes me lightly trying to get my attention.

"Hey hey, he's not going to do that. Even if he does you and I have been together since day one. We moved out here from Kansas all alone and not knowing any body.

And look where we are now. We survived high school, vine, moving, YouTube, everything. I think you and I will be able to survive it he kicks us out. Besides it's a if." Colby tells me. He pulls me into a tight hug and whispers in my ear.

"I love you Sam Golbach and I won't let anything happen to you. To us." I pull away from the hug and smile.

"I love you too Colbs." I tell him. He smiles at me but soon he sees that the clock on his nightstand just turned to eight pm.

"I think we should probably tell him now." Colby says. I nod my head and agree. We both let go of each other's hand and walk out of Colby's room.
Once we head downstairs all the guys look at us.

"Where's Elton?" Colby asks everyone. They all look at each other until Brennen speaks up.

"He's in the garage." Brennen says. He gives us both a little smirk and we both roll are eyes. I told Colby a couple days ago he knew about us.

We both make it to the garage and walk inside closing the door. Elton looks at us and turns in his spinny chair.

"So you wanna tell me something. Do I have to be scared?" Elton asks. Me and Colby both shake our heads. We both sit down and look at Elton.

"We um well we both have something to say to you and we understand if you don't want us here anymore." I tell him quietly. Elton looks at us confused and Colby takes a deep breath.

"We wanted to tell you first because well you kinda run this house hold but um I'm bisexual." Colby says quietly. I look over at Elton to notice no change in facial expression.

"A-and I'm uh, I'm gay." I say quietly. Elton look between the two of us and shrugs his shoulders.


"We're dating." Colby says looking at Elton. Elton gives us a smile before rolling his eyes.

"You really think I'd kick you guys our for that? I don't care just make sure you don't have sex when we are here and very much awake. I don't wanna hear any of that." Elton says turning his attention back on the computer. He then turns around quickly.

"When are you going to tell the rest?" Elton asks. We both look at each other and shrug our shoulders.

"Soon possibly but not yet." Colby answers. Elton gives us a okay and we both stand up.

Jake's POV:

Once Sam and Colby leave I tell the roommates that I was going to the kitchen. They all nod or pay attention to what ever they were doing and I walk out of the tv room.

Once the garage door closes I carefully make my way to the door and put my ear to it.

"We wanted to tell you first because well you kinda run this house hold but um I'm bisexual." Colby tells Elton.

"A-and I'm uh, I'm gay." Sam says right after Colby.

"And?" Elton asks the two boys.

"And we're dating." Colby says with no hesitation.

I pull away from the door and my eyes go wide. A ping of jealousy runs through my blood. Sam is dating Colby?

I turn around and head to my bedroom and close the door. I take in a deep breath and shake my head.

"I wonder how Kat would feel?" I say quietly. I sit on my bed for a little bit. Although I have felt something toward Sam two against one would be fun.

I soon pull out my phone and type in Kats number. I tell her everything and soon one of us contacts Sam.

"I know your secret."

Sam's POV:

I feel my phone go off while I'm sitting in the tv room with Colby and the rest of the guys. I look down at the text and read it.

I know your secret.

My eyes go wide and I quickly text back.

What secret? Who are you?

I put my phone down and hear it go off again.

You're dating Colby Brock. You're gay. I was supposed to be yours Sam. How are all your fans going to react?

My breathing gets heavy as I read the text message. Brennen and Colby both look at me.

"Sam what is it?"

"I -- I don't know." I say quietly. Soon Every one is looking at me.

It would suck if your parents found out wouldn't it? Or even your roommates? Or exposing all your stupid videos of you crying? Oh yes I know about those too

I feel tears go down my cheek as I continue looking at the text.

"Sam?" Colby asks again.

"I----I don't want this." I say throwing my phone in Colby's lap as I run up the stairs. Soon I hear footsteps running after me as I make my way into Colby's room. I turn around and see Colby and Brennen.

"Sam what's going on?"

"S-someone knows Colby. There t-telling me that there going to expose me to everyone. Ruin my fan base, tell my parents." I say quietly as more tears roll down my eyes. I hear more footsteps and Jake's voice.

"Hey....what's going on?"

"It's nothing. Sam just got scared by a video." Colby says as I sob into his shoulder. I hear footsteps leaving and feel Colby rub my back.

"Shhh Sammy. It's going to be okay."

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