Chapter Five

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Walking next to Colby next to the water I feel the hot sand against my feet. I smile to my self since it's been a long time since we've been here and the fact me and Colby are finally hanging out again.

Reaching the spot we find the two giant rocks that overlap each other making a small cave/dome with some shade. I immediately sit down happy to get out of the 94° weather.

Colby sits next to me and we both go into a comftable silence. I start to draw patterns into the sand but stop when I hear Colby's voice.

"Sam? Can I ask you something?" Colby asks nervously. I look at him as he turns his body to look at me.

"Yeah sure go ahead." I tell Colby. I stop drawing and turn my body towards him too.

"Have you ever been in love with someone?" Colby asks me quietly. My eyes go wide and I start to swallow nervously while I then rub my neck.

"Uh I mean y-yeah I have." I say looking over at Colby. He looks at me and his eyes go soft.

"You have?"

"Yeah, I still kinda am but I don't think they'll ever like me back." I say honestly. Colby's looks at me with sympathy.

"Why not?" He asked. I turn my focus on my hands and shrug my shoulders. I feel my face getting hot and feel tears in my eyes. Why am I getting so emotional?

"Remember last night when I told you I'd tell you what's wrong?"

"Yeah I do." Colby tells me. He gets closer to me and puts his knee up so he can rest his arm.

"Well half of the reason I've been different is because of that person. I know they won't like me back and it's been bothering me. There's two things. And both of them will make people treat my differently." I say looking at Colby.

He gives me a confused look and looks at the ground, "Can I know?"

"Know what?"

"Why you think this person wouldn't like you back?"

I take a deep sigh and look at the ocean. I look back at Colby and feel the tears in my eyes again.

"It's because I'm gay Colby. They wouldn't like me back." I say quietly. I look at the ground quickly and scoot backwards until my back hits the rock.

He doesn't say anything for awhile so I feel the tears relase from my eyes and make their way down my pale skin.

"Why are you crying?" Colby asks. I look at Colby slowly and shrug my shoulders.

"I don't want you to hate me. I don't want the roomates to hate me." I say as more tears fall down hitting my hands. Colby comes closer and hugs me tightly.

"I will never hate you Sam. I don't care if you like guys. It's who you are. And the person you like, probably no doubt likes you back. Who wouldn't?" Colby says smiling nervously.

"I doubt it. It would ruin everything if they found out."

"Why? Who is it?" Colby asks me. I look him in the eyes and take a deep breath.

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