Chapter Sixteen

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Coming back home I sigh in relief as all the roommates come up to me and give me a hug.

"You had all of us worried. Are you okay?" Elton asks. I nod my head and pull my selves down more not wanting them to see.

"Yeah I'm fine. Kat.....She was just causing so many things to try and ruin everything." I say softly. Elton looks at me with a smile and looks at the other roommates.

"What do you mean ruin everything?" Corey asks. He didn't know me and Colby were dating. He was gone when me and Colby were alone.

I look at Colby and he looks at me too. He gives me a small smile and a nod.

"Can we all talk in the tv room?" I ask. Everyone nods their heads and walk to the room. Once everyone sits down I stare at the people who don't know which is only Aaron, Corey and Devyn.

"Kat knew I wasn't happy with her because I had feelings for someone else. She didn't want to continue being with me so she dumped me.

Soon I started acting weird, as you all know. Brennen has known for a long time and Elton knows because me and Colby told him the other night.

But when me and Colby went to the beach we had a conversation on if we liked or loved someone." I say rambling. Colby laughs a little and looks at the roommates.

"What he's trying to say is we're dating and Kat was jealous so she tried to get back to Sam." Colby says. I look at him and smile. Looking back at the roommates they all had grins and Elton looks at Corey.

"I've been waiting for my $20 for a long ass time Corey." Elton says. Corey rolls his eyes and hands him a twenty.

"Soooo.....what do you think?" I asked scared. Corey looks over at us and smiles.

"So Solby is real?"


"This is amazing." Corey says looking over at Devyn who is also smiling. Aaron just smiles at us and tells us not to have sex go loudly then walks off to grab a drink.

I smile to myself and look over at Colby. I turn around and head to the kitchen grabbing a drink too. I soon feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"I've missed you. I've been worried and everyone finally knows so please come to my room with me. I'm tired and I want to sleep next to you." Colby says whispering in my ear.

I smile and turn around and nod my head, "just one thing?"


"What are we?"

"What ever you want us to be. I want to make sure your ready and I don't push you into anything." Colby says making me smile.

"I want to be yours. Your boyfriend." I tell him. He smiles wide and kisses my forehead while wrapping his arms around me tightly.

"I'd love to be your boyfriend." Colby tells me. I release my self from his arms and walk toward the stairs.

"Hey! We're home remember that you two!" Elton screams making me and Colby laugh before heading upstairs.

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