Chapter Six

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After taking a deep breath I turn towards Colby all the way and sigh once again. Colby gives me a worried look but I brush it off.

"Colby it's, the person I like is, you." I say softly. I don't look away from him this time but when his eyes go wide I wish I did. He probably hates me now. That's exactly what I didn't want.

He doesn't answer at all, he barley even moves. I take my answer and stand up saying a weak 'sorry' and start walking off. Before I pass the rocks into the open public beach I feel a hand grip my wrist and I get turned around.

I'm facing Colby now. His face goes to a apologetic look as he sees the unshed tears form in my eyes, for the third time today.

"Sam what ever you are thinking don't think it. I don't hate you. I don't think your a freak or anything like that. I actually have a secret myself."

"Like what?" I ask quietly. He takes in a deep breath and looks into my eyes.

"I'm bisexual and I've been terrified of others knowing and I like you too."

"You do? Your not just saying that, right?" I ask with fear but happiness.

"No I'm not. I truly like you and I've tried doing anything I can to just be near you." Colby tells me, "I've always wanted to try things with you but I couldn't then."

"What kind of things?" I ask in a whisper.

"Things like this." Colby says. He starts leaning in and soon our lips meet. I stand there for a couple seconds before I start moving my lips too. He pulls away first to catch come air and he smiles at me.

"What do we do now?" I ask him with a smile on my face.

"How about we just keep it on the down low until we are both ready." Colby tells me. I nod in agreement and I look down at my feet.

"What are we now?"

"Well what do you want to be?" Colby asks me as he grabs my hand. I smile at our intertwined fingers and look up at him.

"Can we just be two people who told each other how we feel and now we're just....talking?" I asks nervously.

"Of course." Colby tells me as he captures my lips one more time before we headed home.

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