Chapter Seventeen

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Blinking my eyes slowly I wake up to a white wall. Sighing softly I roll over, I wanted to be with Colby when I woke up. I hear footsteps and soon the door opens.

Colby smiles at me as he comes over and sits down. He moves the blankets down so he can see my face.

"Are you cold?" Colby asks as he looks at all the stolen blankets. I shake my head and smile, "No. I'm just very comftable and the blankets smell like your cologne." I say with a small smirk. Colby look at me with a grin and leans down, kissing me.

I kiss back and my hand moves up to his hair. We keep making out, with Colby now (basically) on top of me.

Right before anything could happen the door opens and slams against the wall making Colby jump off me, landing on the ground.

Elton and Corey both laugh while Colby just stares at then deadly. All while I'm hiding my crimson red face under the blankets.

"That wasn't funny." Colby says with a grumby attitude. Elton laughs harder, bending over while holding his stomach.

"I told you not to have sex when we are home!" Elton says while laughing.

"We weren't having sex! You can make out without doing anything else." Colby says standing up and getting in the bed.

Elton and Corey look at me and smile, "Look Sam's embarssed."

"I am not! I just wasn't expecting you guys to burst into the room." I say feeling arms wrap around me. I smile but quickly drop it when I see the guys smirking.

"Get out." I say with no emotion. They lift up their hands and back out slowly shutting the door. I turn on my sides and put my face against Colby's shoulder.

"I just want to lay in bed all day." I say quietly.

"We can't though." Colby says making me look at him.

"What do you mean?"

"I planned something to do with you today. For a first actual date." Colby says smiling. I roll my eyes but smile anyways.

"Well what ever you planned will be great."

"I hope nothing ruins it."

"Me either." Colby says standing up and putting a shirt on.

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