Chapter Fourteen

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Colby's POV:

Walking into the house with tears stained on my cheeks I look over at Elton.

"Have you seen Sam?"

"No. I actually haven't heard anything for awhile now. Hey I invited Brennen over too. He'll be here soon." Elton says looking away from his computer. I head up the stairs and walk over to Sam's closed door. I try opening it but notice it's locked.

"Sam?" I ask but I get no response, "Sam?" I say a little louder. I try knocking on the door a little louder before I say his name again, "Sam!"

When I get no response I try opening the door with my shoulder making as loud of noise I can for people to start noticing. I hear footsteps and turn to see Corey and Elton.

I turn back around and hit the door again but getting no luck.

"Goddamn SAM!" I yell before I back up and hit the door making it swing open. I look down at the floor and see Sam laying on the ground with blood surrounding him.

"SAAAM!!" I scream. I feel a pair of arms wrap around me as I see Elton run into the bedroom.

"He has a pulse." Elton says before pulling out his phone. I feel the tears run down my cheeks again before Corey starts sitting on the ground with me.

"Sam..... Sammy please please." I say rocking back and forth not knowing what I'm begging for. I start to hear the sirens in the back ground and I hear the front door open as I see Brennen and Aaron run in.

"Dudes I was coming over and saw an Ambulance coming down this street." Brennen says walking over. Aaron freezes and so does Brennen when they see Sam.

Brennen soon rushes over to me puts a hand on my shoulder as we hear people walking up the stairs with a stretcher.

"Colby. Colby dude hey hey look at me." Brennen says. I look at Brennen slowly and I search his face.

"Dude speak to me."

"M-my Sam He-he's.......because I left a-and." I say before I start sobbing harder. Brennen soon pulls my in a hug as I look up and see Sam on a stretcher.

"Hey can we come with?" Brennen says pointing to me. The drivers nod their heads and Brennen helps me up as I make my way to the ambulance.

Once I step inside I immediately grab Sam's hand and put it against my mouth.

"He'll be fine Colby." Brennen says patting my back as the ambulance takes off.

"He's been my friends for six years Brennen. I don't know what I'll do if I lost him." I say honestly looking at Sam's lifeless body.

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