Chapter Twenty-Five

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Parking in the drive way of the shared house I look over at Kat. She looks at me and smiles but it soon dropes.

"What's wrong Sam?" She asks with worry in her voice. I look at the house and sigh.

"I don't know what to do with Colby." I say looking back at Kat.

"Do what you want to do and do what will make you happy." She answers honestly. I nod my head and look over at her.

"You want to come inside with me? I think we need to talk to Colby and the roommates."

"Wait are you basically asking me out?" Kat says shocked. I nod my head.

"Yes I am. Kat we have dated before. We dated for a long time and with Colby it felt right but I'm falling for you again." I say honestly.

"Awe Sam. If this is what you want."

"It's is." I answer. I intertwine my hand with hers and smile at her, "I want you again."

"Then let's go tell our friends some news." She says. We let go of each other's hands and get out of the car heading over to the front door.

Once we both walk inside we head to the living room to see all the roommates including Colby.

"Hey guys.....can I talk to you for a minute Colby?" I say. He looks at me and smiles a little bit. He stands up and walks toward me.

I lead him to the kitchen with Kat behind us a little bit. I lean against the counter and state at his smiling face.

"Colby........I can tell I haven't made you happy latley." I say. I watch as his smile fades away and he starts to mess with his rings.

"What are you talking about?" He asks softly.

"I've just made everyone angry and you have been unhappy with me."

"No. I've just been upset with you spending time with Kat so much but I've never full on hated you." Colby says getting scared and nervous.

"I get that I guess but I've realized that someone in this relationships loves the other more. And we both know who that is Colby. I heard you this morning and I honestly don't feel the same." I say looking at him.

"What do you mean? What are you trying to say?" Colby asks quietly.

"I think you should see new people Colby. I'm starting to fall for Kat again and I haven't felt the same toward you for a while now." I say. He looks up at me in disbelief and I can see the tears forming in his eyes. He looks down at the ground and doesnt say anything, Seriosuly starting to worry me.

"Colby say something." I say to my best friend.

"I - I'll be in my room." He says turning around before he looks at Kat. He then walks towards the stairs and slowly walks up them. Then his door slams shut.

We soon tell the roommates and I can tell they aren't all that happy but I am. Soon Kat finally goes home and I make my way upstairs.

Passing Colby's room I notice it's weirdly quiet. I open his door slowly to see him curled into a small ball crying softly with things all over his bed and floor.

Not knowing what to do I quietly shut the door and head to my bedroom falling asleep instantly once I lay down.

*Next Day*

Waking up I throw on some sweatpants but stay shirtless. I walk out into the hallway and notice Colby's door is still shut.

Walking down the stairs I enter the kitchen to see it's noon. Sighing that I slept in late I grab a bottle of water and walk into the living room seeing all the roommates but Colby.

"Where's Colby?"

"We haven't seen him since he went to his room yesterday." Elton says looking at me rudly.

"Guys I know you all hate Kat and my decision but it's my decision and I'm happy."

"And you weren't with Colby? It was fine till she came along." Corey says.

"I was happy but then I wasnt. It happens." I answer.

"Yeah try saying that to your heart broken best friend or are you going to make someone else your new best friend?" Elton says with sass. I roll my eyes and walk out heading back upstairs.

I quickly check on Colby first and see what he's up to but instead of seeing a happy Colby I see a sleeping tear stained Colby. Sighing I walk back to my room and close the door behind me.

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