Chapter Twenty-Three

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Waking up early in the morning I grunt in annoyance from only getting about three hours of sleep. I turn around to face the kitchen and see Corey and Elton.

"Why are you sleeping on the couch?" Elton asks.

"I got in a fight with Colby...." I say quietly. I sit up and yawn from not getting any sleep.

"About what?" Corey asks leaning on the wall.

"About how I'm hanging out with Kat to much. I missed our friendship date yesterday because it was the anniversary when we met. It meant a lot to him because it turned into a relationship. I was to busy hanging out with Kat."

"That's just wrong Sam. You've been hanging out with her non stop for almost three weeks." Elton says grabbing a water.

"I know, I know. I got all that from Colby yesterday." I say leaning my head back and sighing that then turns into a yawn.

"Are you going to take him somewhere today?" Corey asks. I shake my head and sit up looking at him.

"He doesn't want to go anywhere today. Honestly I may just go to my room and sleep." I say standing up. I walk out of the living room and up the stairs. Once I reach my room I look over at Colby's door.

I slowly open it to see he's still asleep. I walk closer and see his face his stained by tears and his face is puffy.

I soon walk out of the room and towards my bedroom. I instantly fall on my bed and fall asleep quickly.

*Four Hours Later*

Waking up from my sleep I roll over and check the time. 2:46pm

I rub my face with my hands and get out of the bed slowly. Walking out of my room and down the stairs I stop on the flat part of the stairs.

"Are you angry at him Colby?" I hear Corey ask.

"A little....I mean I just want to hang out with him. I want to be able to sleep with him again but I fall and wake up to a empty bed. I want to be able to do things again.

And what really made me mad was when he missed our date yesterday. That meant so much to the two of us and we planned it way before Kat come in the picture."

"He told us it meant a lot to you. He never mentioned himself." Elton says.

"I love him guys but I have a feeling he doesn't love me as much anymore." Colby says with sadness and hurt in his voice. I look down at my shoes and feel bad about that but at the same time I don't......what's wrong with me?

I then head a knock on the door and I come down stairs acting like nothing. Corey answers it and there stands Kat.

"Kat? What are you doing here?" I ask. She steps inside and I breath out slowly.

"We planned to hang out again today. Don't you remember?"

"No not really. I didn't get much sleep last night." I say glancing at Colby. He looks at us then stands up and heads to the kitchen.

"Oh why not?"

"I was to tired and fell asleep on the couch. It wasn't comftable." I lie to Kat.

"Oh well we planned on going to the pier today. You still want to come?" She asks. I stand there and think. A big part of me says yes but a small part of me says no but I can't help but feel something when I see Kat.

I turn towards Colby and he looks at me sadly. Not feeling much of anything I nod my head to Kat.

"Yeah I'll come. Let me get new clothes on." I say before walking up the stairs and changing. Once I'm down I come back down and grab my wallet and keys.

"Let's go." I say glancing at the roommates one last time seeing Colby curled up in a ball and facing the kitchen with absoulty no emotion. But something inside of me doesnt care as much as I should.


Guys I'm not going to lie, I totally forgot this book existed. I have been so caught up in updating my other Solby books that I totally forgot that I haven't updated this in ages. So I'm gonna start updating this.

I update my other book 2 times a day so this one will only be updated once a day. Today you'll get 2 chapters though because I updated my other book 3 times yesterday so I'm only updating it once so a new chapter will be up later today. I promise.

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